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I spent last week with my family – we were skiing in Telluride, Colorado. And as I was watching my adult kids fly down the mountain in front of me, I thought of all those days we spent on that same mountain when they were little ones…

And I thought to myself… what would I give to relive one of those days when we were trying to figure out which mitten belonged to which kid?

What would YOU give to re-live the best days of your life?

Here’s what I came up with:

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60 Replies to “What Would You Give to Relive Your Best Day?”

  1. Hi Jeff, loving your vid message out of Telluride about being present in the right now and soaking it all in…Cheers to the Joie De Vivre with the ones we love:)! Enjoyed that little non-biz moment.

  2. I love it, Jeff. I’m presenting at a workshop tomorrow and am going to use it as an opportunity to love my son and friends there. Thanks for the reminder.

  3. I love this so much Jeff!! As my oldest son is getting ready to leave for college in the fall I have been reliving many of these moments. At the time it seemed hard or overwhelming to try and gear everyone up or figure out how to redirect a tantrum but now, what I would give to have one of those days back. And what is really important is to soak up every moment. Good, bad, hard, joyous or whatever that moment is. That’s all we have.

  4. Time is the great silent thief, it takes life from the rich and poor alike, we all wind up at exactly the same condition, the decades elapse and everything you accumulate and build will be dust in 50 years, yes make it all count, will it have been worth it, yes of course.

  5. Thanks Jeff….if only we could stop time and encapsulate the years of joy we have shared with our families…the giving and receiving has no match in life. As time moves on we hope to relive those precious moments in the present time but unfortunately, this is not a promise. We must let go and live in the present, believing in our past and relishing the times we can’t get back. As the saying goes “don’t live life in the rear view” is easier said than done!

  6. my home town! i love that we share memories on the same mountain with our little ones. and you also reminded me of time in nature with myself boarding down see forever. and hiking up 4 with my dog, just for the views and the time together. thank you for bringing back some great memories! hugging my beloved right now, because right now is everything.

  7. Your videos are consistently radiating positivity.
    I love seeing you enjoying your time the weekends and at the same time teaching us the importance of cultivating this habit.
    Thanks for sharing these splendid moments!

  8. David Crabill


    My son is now 9 months old, so this post was particularly notable for me. It’s a good reminder as I move forward into the best years of my life. Thanks Jeff!

  9. True, Jeff!! Being present is the ultimate happiness I can give my little kids.

  10. Steve Rivkin


    So today is my birthday and I guess it’s a “big one”. Your timely message just reframed my day and near future in my actions. While I strive to “be here now” it’s easy to get caught up in everything else. Thanks for the reminder. Thanks for sharing the love. It’s true that it’s all we need. Thanks for being our friend 😉

  11. Hey Jeff so true .. in this crazy world we are all rushing to get to the future it seems and really we only have now …. your observation was so in the now off me as I am just finishing a unexpected weekend with my kids and we just swam and hung out together … very special .
    Thanks for the reminder Jeff .

  12. Keep following you since 2014… from Brazil though I’m Argentinian…

    What most impacts me most from you is your humbleness. You are shy and introvert and you still made it! Yahoooooooo….

    Unfortunately no parent or girlfriend to hug… next month will be the time when I’m back in Argentina.

    Thanks for adding up to my solitary Sunday 😉


  13. Thanks, Jeff. We all need to be reminded of the preciousness of the now – the only thing we truly have.


  14. This really touched my heart Jeff! BEST VIDEO of this year – and the shortest too! Sublime message!

  15. This is my favourite video of yours Jeff because it is so true, moving and how I feel too with my adult kids. I have grandkids and that’s special too but yes the memories are treasured by me and by my kids xxxx

  16. I have been saying this for years, Jeff. With all of my basketball and soccer teams that I coached over the last 30+ years, I used to tell them to “Pack Every Moment” with every memory that they could. I started giving that message to my seniors late in their final season. Then I started giving it at the beginning, middle, and end of their season. Eventually, I started giving the message to all of them because their four years in the program just flies by.

    But then I started living that same concept with my own son 19 years ago. I tried hard to Pack Every Moment of my life with him, and I did pretty well with it. He’s the best thing that ever happened to me, and I wish I could have every one of those years back with him. I look around at pictures around our house and miss those days. He’s off at college now, exploring his own new life, and I’m so happy and excited for him. But I wish I could have that little boy back for a day here and there. Although I know a day here and there wouldn’t be enough either.

    I didn’t need to start my Sunday with tears in my eyes, Jeff, but if I had to, I’m glad they’re tears of joy of the memories of my son growing up in my life. Thanks for that today, Jeff.

  17. Mandy Barnett


    Oh Jeff, that was so heartfelt. My son is at college now, and I was so caught up in my career when he was little. I have now retired but it reminds me how precious the time is now with my teenage daughter. After watching this video I will text my son and hug my daughter extra tight!

  18. Thank you Jeff for the reminder that we only have NOW to enjoy those we love.

  19. Making me cry. Thanks so much Jeff for being such a great model – please don’t ever stop – you are one of my key guides as to how to evolve on this journey. Thanks so much for being vulnerable – and making these ongoing heartfelt commentaries so laced with wisdom! Thanks!!! And great to see Telluride – I’ve been up on that mountain in the summer – so beautiful!!!

  20. I know exactly where you are coming from in this video. We lost our beautiful daughter very unexpected at ae 31 and miss her so much. We have a wonderful son and 4 grandchildren and love them so much. But like you said, what my wife and I would give to have just one of those days back when our son and daughter and our family were together having fun on vacation together doing all kinds of things with them. We miss our daughter very, very, much. Thanks Jeff.

  21. Cherry SOWDER


    Telluride brings out the best in people, as long as they want to see it!!! Thanks for the check up!!!!

  22. Great message, Jeff. Being present is everything because we may not know it, but these are the days we’ll some day call “the good old days. ” Casey Demchak

  23. Thanks for reminding us to store the memories of those great moments in our minds. And then to work our way past all the problems of life to be able to create more of those.

  24. Love this! It is so true Jeff! We will never have today again, so we need to make the most of today and every moment in the day. Like now!!
    I can tell you, you will have that joy again with your grandchildren. Teaching them to ski or snowboard. Both my granddaughters love to snowboard! The oldest who is now 15 was on the Ontario snowboarding team at the age of 12 and did very well. Now she has her training qualifications as an instructor, and her students love her! My 5 year granddaughter goes down completely on her own, and has been on the hill since she was 15 months old. So nice to see the love and nurturing we give to our children and how they pass it on down to their children. It is absolutely wonderful being a grandmother AKA…”nana”. I am also working diligently on my online business to bring in the passive income to enjoy in my senior years and pass on to my family my legacy for their benefit!! I really felt your message coming from the heart Jeff! Thank you! ⛷💖

  25. WOW! Thank you so much for sharing experience with us! I spent the day with my grown daughter yesterday and it was a joy to be able to do that, but your video helped me to see what it gift it truly was. I hope you have a wonderful rest of your vacation with your family.

  26. Travis Vanderloop


    I just took my 4 and 2 year old boys skiing at Purgatory last week. It was my 2 year old’s first time. Once I convinced him that his hands in his pockets would not be a good idea skiing, I think it took no less than 8 tries to get his thumb in the right spot in his gloves. He didn’t want to wear his helmet but his 4 year old brother helped me convince him. It took about 1.5 hours just to get all our gear and on and to the Columbine area.

    After convincing him that standing while skiing was easier than trying to sit, he was off on his own! The whole time he just wanted to go on the big chairlift! …We all had a blast! Thank you for sharing your story and reminding us that family is an essence of life – priceless.

  27. Barry Friedman


    My son is off snowboarding without me today. He tracks his own gloves, drives himself to the mountain, and buys his own food. Yes, I’d give anything for one more day where I was the center of that picture with him. Great video, Jeff.

  28. Dan Calabrese


    This brought a tear to my eye because it is so heartfelt and true. The good old days are happening right now.

  29. Such a beautiful reminder. Life flies by much too quickly. Enjoy those you love each moment. Make memories and cherish the time. Thanks Jeff

  30. Zahirah Suddeth


    Great video Jeff. Sometimes I focus too much on the things I haven’t done or need to do instead of just taking a moment to focus on the now, the present. I will strive to stay in the now while I’m working on the future. So I won’t miss any precious moments with my son and family.

  31. Profoundly simple, yet so hard for many (maybe most) of us to achieve.

    Perhaps one of your best messages ever, Jeff.

  32. I can totally relate to your video about being present Jeff. The plaque on my shelf says “Life is for living and caring, and hoping and sharing with those we love” There are also a number of really neat butterflies on that same shelf. My four-year old daughter Adina made a really cool multicolored butterfly for me one Sunday morning. She fell ill Sunday night and by early Tuesday morning she was gone. I can totally relate to Sam’s wish to have one more day with his daughter. Me too. We must always remember that our personal lives are the big circle and our professional lives are the small circle… and therefore just one component of our big circle. When we are in the moment, nothing else matters except being totally present with those we love. Thanks again for that powerful personal message Jeff. I appreciate you.

  33. Thank you. That was really sweet. What a wonderful reminder to plan for the future and live in the present with the people you love.

  34. Heather Campbell


    This video floods me with memories of my own kids learning to ski at Keystone – and I feel like my heart is about to burst I am feeling so much love for them and those times. Thank you for sharing. You’re such a good dad!

  35. I have always thought that it is with videos that you can transcend your best thinking to your audience.
    Jeff, you really did it, this was by far the best short videos that you’ve made. And they were created with such fantastic passion and love. So thank you for inviting us to your thoughts and to your life. A fantastic achievement and beautiful work!

  36. Dave Ribble


    Thanks, Jeff. You are an inspiration, as a Coach and Teacher, and as a Father. Thank you for being a Leader in putting your heart out there. I am more inspired to do the same.

  37. Thank you, Jeff, for your heart and for inspiring me and everyone to appreciate each moment of each gift of each day. You’re so right. We don’t get those days back to do over but we do get to relive them and re-appreciate them. Thanks again for this reminder. Love your heart.

  38. Mona Saunderson


    That was beautiful Jeff. To be present and love the moments we have with the ones we love in life. So important and so precious! Thanks for sharing your precious moments.

  39. So much HEART in this video! WOW Jeff! I know what you mean, I have 4 kids now between 20 and 36. NOW is life! best to you and thank for reminding……

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