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Things are getting pretty crazy out there…

We’ve got the coronavirus spreading around the world, lives are being disrupted, and the financial markets are going crazy. You don’t need me to tell you that. 

But even with all this craziness (and maybe even because of it), we still need entrepreneurs. We still need people who are looking to create, serve, and lead.

Basically, the world needs you… which means you need to keep showing up and stay on top of your mental game.

That’s what this week’s video is about.

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25 Replies to “In Times of Turmoil…”

  1. No doubt. Take precautions if your vulnerable, act wise and give thanks if your not and keep the engines of serving people revved up to do great things.

  2. Thanks Jeff…
    As a stress management coach and mindfulness teacher I have been thinking about how I can best serve my following and your video has inspired me to step it up even more as a leader in this area.
    Thanks 🙏

  3. Jeff,

    I like that you brought a ray of sunshine to remind folks who they really are. And that is worlds more than a microscopic virus. Time to get back in the drivers seat: keep your engine clean and keep the gas tank full. Go out in the sun. You will feel better but that virus dies from the warmth of the sun. .

    • Covid-19 is not affected by how much sunshine it’s getting. Please stop spreading nonsense. There are many cases right now in tropical areas and it keeps on spreading there like everywhere else. This said, some sunshine is a good provider of vitamin D…the best provider actually.

  4. Gary V Carter


    Thanks for the sanity, Jeff!

    Tom Rath in his new book “Life’s Great Question” posed the question from Martin Luther King, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?’”

    It’s a great time to be thinking about that!

  5. Shiwon Green


    Jeff, you are on point. One thing that I will say is that we, as a population, are privileged. It is time for us to recognise that and to reconnect with what we can do for our community. I resonated with your reminder to control what we can control and to see how we can serve.
    I’m also reminded that out of adversity always comes opportunity.
    Oh, and as an ex A&E nurse: the year ahead will be beyond our medical staffs worst nightmares. They will do their absolute best and it will never be enough. If you know someone in that community, or if your business can in any way serve them, please do what you can.

  6. Carol O'Connor


    Thank you Jeff. As we all watch and wait for the fall out, I can’t help but think how so much reaction is for optics or for show. Will I been seen as doing the right thing? Could I be accused of being reckless? Why am I not buying into the common “wisdom” of fear?
    Speaking sense to people now is of little use, so we can practise speaking encouragement.
    Be well.

  7. Hi Jeff,

    Thanks for posting these. Great points.

    For me, I have gone deeper into “what have I learned as a multiple trauma survivor?” Yes I’m a crisis training “expert” with over 20 years experience — but what have I done more and more each time so I didn’t freeze up – spiritually, mentally, emotional and physically.

    The quick tip I can share is focus on “going forward.” I often see a freeway with three lanes and a guard rail on the left shoulder. When I’m scared I tend to be afraid I’ll hit the guardrail. I do meditations / contemplation exercises visualizing putting on my turn signal and moving to the center lane, the lane of “being in balance”… not challenged by drivers getting on trying to merge from either left or right (I am in LA and we merge in from either side.) I can go faster with least challenges. In real life I practice this so it’s anchored on the Inner and outer.

    I agree. It’s our time to lead. There are many scared “fish” out there. Panic shopping and hoarding is everywhere.

    Stay safe everyone.

  8. Dan Calabrese


    Great message Jeff. The people who don’t panic and keep their “wits’ about them will not only get through this with less emotional stress than the average person, but they’ll most likely come out in better shape with their businesses than before the event began. I’ve already seen several emails in my account from trainers, etc. promoting their at home workout programs for those who may belong to a gym but who want to avoid it right now. A perfect example of turning lemons into lemonade.

  9. Thank you Jeff! I so appreciate you steering the thoughts on what we can do about our health. This is a health issue after all, and SO few people, even experts in the health fields, are talking about how to improve our health. Because a healthy immune system is the best response to a virus. I also appreciate your not increasing the fears but helping us see that if we keep calmer heads we can actually help with what we do and want to do. Great message. Big hugs.

  10. Great message. Cool heads are needed. We’re definitely heading into some turbulent water, hopefully for a short period of time. I’ve run businesses through these times before – believe my luck or not, I had just started quite a distressed turnaround project when the 2008 financial crisis hit. I learned three things:
    1) You can’t bury your head. You have to look at your business realistically and assess what could happen if things go as we think they might.
    2) Do this now! There is nothing to be gained by waiting. Decide what you need to so and do it. Be decisive.
    3) Communicate well with your team. They’ll be worried. If you leave a vacuum, they’ll fill it with rumours and misinformation. Get them together, tell them that you have a plan and enlist their help.
    Good luck everyone. Stay healthy.

  11. Alice Pendleton



    Thank you for your video extolling assurance that we all must stay calm and go inward to discover ways we can both help others and to take care of our selves. Just like the airlines say : when the oxygen mask drops down – take the oxygen mask first so that you can be in a better place to help others. Those of us who are lucky enough to live and breath in Colorado have the advantage of walking outdoors and getting into calming-mind-altering nature and redirect and our minds. Both political, business and health educators need to come together and make decisions that will change the enviable outcome. Since I am in the wellness field – I am advocating all people to take their own health and wellness containment into their own (washed-by-the-way) hands. That includes energizing your immune system with good supplementation, getting sleep, drinking lots of good water with lemon,
    exercise MORE THAN USUAL to create good hormones and neurotransmitters: Endorphins, dopamine, etc. AND listening to people you know and trust a la Jeff Walker and Dr. Anthony Fauci. Hang in there everyone and do your best to ENERGIZE YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM.

  12. Thanks, Jeff. Thank you for staying heart-centered, and the great advice to step back and take a breath. Everyone working independently needs to do this now! Bravo, and blessings.

  13. Thanks for offering some clarity in these tough times. Perspective is the key to perseverance. Take a quick breath, and go get em!

  14. Thank you, Jeff,
    Someone made a comment, that in current situation we need an outbreak of kindness. It’s so true. I am a physician, and I see patients being more vulnerable now than ever. Yes, we need to focus on kindness, on serving, supporting.
    Thank you for adding your voice to this,

  15. Totally agree Jeff! When I started my business I threw out all my leadership books thinking “I’m running my own business now, I’m not in a leadership role anymore.” Boy was that the wrong approach to take! Not only now am I leading my team and my business, but my clients and growing community as well. It’s time for us all to step up, now more than ever.

  16. You’re so right, Jeff, we can control our reactions to this situation and that’s what we need to do. We need to stay calm and help others to do the same. As entrepreneurial leaders, we can ask ourselves how can we best support all our connections and be there for them.

  17. Thank you for this video. It is the kind of content I love whatever happens in the world.
    There was a time when lepra existed and I don’t fear as the ones who survived.
    Thanks again !

  18. As always Jeff,
    You maintain your cool and thoughtful stature.
    Great video, Much appreciated!

    Glad I was able to shake your hand
    at PLF Live 2013:-)

    To our PLF community family, and all in the world,
    I wish you heartfelt wellness
    with positive thoughts of energy.

  19. 1. The world needs you.
    What a powerful set of words.

    2. How can I help my people?
    That really made me focused.

    Thank you, Jeff, ever so much.
    You are one of the most noble leaders I had a priviledge to meet. )

  20. Ageless message – What Matters Most – how you handle any/every situation

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