We just wrapped up our big once-a-year launch – and here’s what I learned (yet again) from a huge amount of market feedback – both from raving fans and from some people who… well, let’s just say they aren’t my biggest fans.
- September 16, 2017
James Taylor
Jeff, just wanted to say what an incredible impact your work has had on millions of people learning music. Let me explain…
We just did our 16th launch of our guitar and music retreats which we run in places like Napa Valley, Catskill Mountains, New Scottish castles and Italian villas. This is on top of the 30+ online music schools and courses we’ve launched over the years. And we did them all using the concepts you teach in PLF.
Marketing is such a positive thing when used for good. Just wanted you to know that your style of marketing has helped us help others to reconnect with their creativity through music.
Jeff, Thank you so much for this incredable insight to keep in mind when marketing and selling products.
Charles Christmas
Two greats… JAMES “Sweet Baby” Taylor and Jeff “the generous genius” Walker…. no surprises here. Looking forward to being with both of you in the coming year. Charles ” Gods chosen” Christmas
Gustavo Geraldini
Hey, Jeff, your work is awesome and I learned a lot from you. This system simply works as you showed a lot of testimonials during the launch phase. I’m not your student yet, but I want to be soon. I will experiment the seed launch as you taught on the workshop and raise funds for the next program. Thank’s.
Steve MacLeod
Jeff, you and your team are amazing… I love your style… I plan on using PLF some day… hopefully sooner then later… I’m still working on my product… so please keep the inspirational messages coming… I listen to your reminders and stories all the time and they do help… take care and keep your stick on the… 🙂
From Canada
Steve Etherington
Hi Jeff, i know well about what you say in this video. On my blogs and my youtube videos i see all the time super positive comments of real fans or very negative and agressive comments.
Sometimes it’s rude to read and it can touch but now i quickly say to myself, “Steve it’s all right, not everybody can love you and agree with your opinion and what you say”.
Al Davis
Hey Jeff–
Very helpful video addressing skepticism! And I loved your almost throwaway comment about people who have let themselves down in the past–I would say this is really the most useful comment to me personally, and one thing I still struggle with, namely: why will this attempt be any different from any in the past, where I’ve given out part way through the process.
As you have often said, it’s the inner game that is the most critical part of this process, to which I would say, “Amen”.
Deborah Smart
I see the Product Launch Formula working as I am being trained by one of your mentees. I am putting together my first series, and cannot wait to launch in the upcoming weeks ahead. Thank you for being consistent.
Linda Kroll
Thanks so much, Jeff. I love all that you do. This video is very timely. I think I’ve been afraid of the “potential haters” and letting that stop me from a full throttle attempt to help the people I can. Thanks for the great reminder today -and for all you are and all you share! Sending love and gratitude 🙂 <3
Mary L Barbera
Thanks for the insights Jeff after your launch……. Your PLF model clearly works for me and so many others and today’s vlog helped me understand the layers of disbelief that many of our potential customers struggle with. Thanks for always making my Sunday morning a little brighter!
Erica Carrico
What a great way to think about sceptisism – it’s our job to market in a way that shows how life changing our services can be. And you’re so right, those that are negative are likely to have a low belief in themselves which then gets projected onto someone else to take the blame off of themselves.
Thanks Jeff for another insightful video!
Josie Tytus
It’s so interesting how resistance shows up. I’ve come to learn that the haters are really just fighting with a doubt they have in themselves. They want what you have, but without realizing it, they don’t believe they can do it. Rather than looking at themselves, they lash out at the source of what triggered them. I’ve done it myself and have wasted a lot of time because of it. I’m not saying that one should automatically buy into someone else’s promises; due diligence is required, but I am saying that rather than lashing out, take a look at why it’s pissing you off. What is it you wish was the truth – there just may be a clue to what you really need. Everyone in their own timing.
Rachel Freemon Sowers
Thank you Jeff for this reminder! Keep putting the message out there. I just did my first launch and although the result were very small I learned along and am excited to do it again. Thank you for providing this framework for getting my message out to the world.
Hi Jeff,
I’m still juggling my full-time job with trying to get my product completed. I know when I get it done and launched it will feel so amazing. I find your weekly videos inspiring and you seem like such a down to earth person! Thanks for sharing and please keep the videos coming.
Carol from Canada
George Stavrou
Thanks for sharing your fantastic plf videos.
I am working on a big launch with Willie C – a mutual friend of ours
Launch will take place early Oct and we’ll be using the fantastic info. from your videos to help ensure it’s a tremendous success.
Keep up the incredible work!
David duChemin
I love your sincerity and your very human approach to what you do, Jeff. Your lack of “slickness” and your very obvious care for others is rare in an industry full of “get rich quick.” Well done. I’m a photographer and a writer and your ideas have been extremely helpful in understanding the medium so many of us rely on to get the word out. Thank you.
jane Milton
Jeff I am reading Launch just now – while on holiday and sitting on a beach in Spain – i am so excited by it and how you take us through this all – thanks too for the videos – i have watched some – am doing another programme at present so could not do both THIS TIME
Some people will never believe when someone is just doing good – they just can’t imagine that their lifes could be changed as much as they can – looking forward to using PLF on my new launch in January – will feed back thanks again for your generosity …ignore the sceptics !
they are just scared of change
Irina Benedict
It is important to remember to not let skeptics pop your bubble but to bring some of them into your bubble. Great teachings Jeff.
Linda Raglione
Hi Jeff,
Really amazing content.
In a state of deep appreciation for this.
Best always
Gloria Prema
Would love to see a video about an author’s success with PLF. My products are books but I’ve got no email list and I’m not a big social media user. How on earth can I make PLF work with no email list to start with? That said, I do plan to use PLF and really appreciate all the great advice you give out Jeff. It has been a big help and shown me what’s possible. I just need help with the list. By the way, I also think it’s great value for money.
Very helpful video Jeff. I am one of those who has bought quite a few programs but hasn’t been able to make the best use of it. So the victim of my past failures. But I truly believe your program and the way teach. I am quite hopeful now, soon I will be in a position to use PLF to launch my own program. Keep sharing your stories. Your weekly videos are truly inspiring and keep me motivated.
Wow, wow and wow!!! 🙌🏻☺️ Such inspiring words, and inspiring work from all of you.
I’m one of the newbies that were just recently introduced to Jeff Walker’s PLF, and I have to say, I’m completely intrigued! I actually did not register for the program this time around, simply because of finances at the moment, however this is something I do plan to try next it’s available. Regardless, the articles, videos, etc. are all completely inspiring and a solid reminder that owning your own business can be done successfully with the right approach. ☺️👌🏻
Hats off to Gabby and Louise for such a great business mission. I’m sure you’ve influenced thousands of families with your work. You should all be proud!
Thanks for sharing!
Marc Vachon
Merci pour cette vidéo sur le scepticisme. Je me prépare pour le lancement d’un nouveau livre en octobre et le livre Launch ainsi que la dernière campagne m’aident beaucoup. C’est beaucoup de travail, mais j’ai bien hâte de voir les premiers résultats de votre méthode, en attendant de prendre le cours l’an prochain.
Thanks for this video on skepticism. I’m preparing to launch my new book in October and your book Launch and your last campaign were very helpful. It’a a lot of work, but I’m anxious to see the results. Hopefully, I will take your course next year. Many thanks.
Bob Mordini
I missed your entry time frame and that is very disappointing for me as I was trying to earn the $$ needed.
You are doing a great service for many like myself who have had it, and now need to find the best way to get back to where we want to be.
I have a great product, but I need your support. Please consider inviting me back in for the benefit of all that I can help including my family.
I am about to launch my product. It’s my first business of any kind.
I started watching your videos, but it seems like your method is for services, and I have a product. It’s the kind of product you either want or don’t, and you know the moment you see it.
I’m wondering if your method can be applicable to such a product.
Brad Arnold
Interesting that there are only positive comments on this page. PLF intrigued me, but I just do not have the funds at this time. Thank you for your efforts.
Nancy Davies
What resonates with me in this video is about the “haters.” I’m always amazed but what people will say, and often quite forcefully, when they either don’t know really know much about something, or it didn’t work for them. It seems to me when there is a course or some sort of education that “hasn’t worked” for someone, more times than not it’s because they didn’t finish it and especially because they didn’t implement it. Human nature seems to be people want something done for them to get fast results rather than doing the work themselves. Based on my past self-motivated education in internet marketing, and what i know about PLF, if it doesn’t work I have no one to blame but myself. I’m glad I found PLF, Jeff; thank you for creating it to help others.
Thanks Jeff,
I totally get you.
Take car e and have a great day,
I’m joining next year – can’t wait! Just setting everything up over the next year so I have something to work with. I was so sorry not to have joined you this time round but I am coming ……..
Jeff, Great message today! And congratulations on the launch! Personal transformations, which is what I believe you’re really delivering, is the toughest and yet most rewarding pursuit out there. Thanks for being out in front. All the best, Matt
Jeff Walker
@Matt: shhhhhh… don’t tell anyone. I try to sneak in that personal transformation stuff without letting anyone see me doing it. 🙂
John-Paul Flintoff
Obviously, your program works or so many people wouldn’t be praising it. You come across as someone who is trustworthy. Your own launch successfully shows how strong this marketing is. However, too often I have people who are selling programs/products/courses who appear to be using your methods but somehow all I get when I open up what seems like thousands of emails from them is just a push for their sales. I’ve reached the point that I’ve unsubscribed from many of them or while they are in ‘sales mode/launch mode’ that I just drop their emails in the trash without opening them. Yours and a few others I open, because besides the sales promotion, I know I’m going to receive information that’s beneficial to me. I know that’s selfish, but it’s the truth on my end. I’d love to know what it is in your sales promotion that makes the difference? That’s an aspect of the launch that I’ve never heard you speak about. And it’s an aspect that I’ve found in only 3 other marketers that I can think of. The difference is so striking that it’s memorable. Is this something taught/learned/or just intuitive in how you market? Whatever it is, it’s what makes the difference between a so-so launch and a raving successful launch. Am I missing something?
Jeff Walker
Well that’s a really interesting question… and one I haven’t been asked before. And I’m going to have to think about it… the topic might make for a good video.
Kellie Frazier
@NanaPennypockets I believe with all my heart that it’s Jeff’s humble approach. I’ve been in marketing for years and have learned from the best of the best. Like you, I’ve also unsubscribed to nearly every marketer, except Jeff and Stu McLaren. Humble men who keep it real. When you learn to be “others” oriented, you become a much better human being.
I like your question
Those are some strong sounding influences. I recently listened to an audio of an East Indian gentleman talking about belief and trust, both with yourself and others, and also compassion. Those appear to be good ways of dealing with getting out of one’s bubble. Great video!
Jeff I always look forward to your messages each week. Very inspirational.
Hello I love your job and I do really believe that I can’t do business online in fact I am writing my book based in my personal experience as I was anorexic and now I am so healthy That I want to share my path to overcome such a horrible ill.
But for now I am not able to pay for this great course I hope to be able soon.
Is it possible to ask for a different kind of payment per month.
Kind regards,
Eren Salas from Costa Rica
Karen Wilt
Hi Jeff,
I got your marketing program thru Dr. Susan Pierce Thompson and am intrigued by all this. I just bought your book and intend to read that and put it all together to ‘launch’ a book I’m writing. I think this may be the way to get it out there…just have to figure out how to get it published so I have something to sell, lol. I’m not ready right now to do it. I’m just finishing the book now, but I thank you for this free stuff and inspiration to go this route. I do have to say that, as someone above said, ‘the people haters’ scare the heck out of me. I’ve always struggled with rejection all my life and am not even sure I ‘want’ to be ‘out there’, lol. It’s a hurdle I have to get over. But thanks for your enthusiasm, willingness to let others in on all this and your ‘down to earth’ personality.
Dan Roth
I very much liked the material I saw…I do think great marketing can be the way. But there’s above all an emphasis on teaching. Im a musician that does some teaching…I even like it, and think Im good at it.
But really I want to play..in bands, in a studio situation, or sell songs, or write movie music. I have always been a rebel, dont have good demo material, good networking, or a studio setup. I guess you could say I dont really have a product..but do have a lot of music skills. I have made several home made records, you can hear the good writing or playing, but not production…no money for it..I make a living, almost.. by gigging and teaching…
What should I do?
Hey Jeff. Big fan. One question. Did I just hear you say “tens of thousands” of signups? Math was never my strong point, but did you just do a $20m launch?!?
Ali Zakir
Hi Jeff,
Watching videos, first I thought you are addressing yourself, then I found out, you are talking about others who don’t believe in the product/ services that is offered! Then I found out, it’s not you or them, it’s about what challenges one faces in marketing their product/ services.
I think it is well explained!
Thanks a lot.
Ali Zakir
you said that it is like a catch up with old students who have gone through your course and had amazing results.
My question is, if they have gone through the PLF course AND had amazing results why would they follow along with a relaunch?
Jeff Walker
This is a rather interesting question… and there are many answers to it.
First off, if you have huge success with system, wouldn’t you want to re-use it? Wouldn’t you continue to study it? I know a man how was a World Champion at karate. He told me that every year his master would have him spend an entire month re-learning the most basic moves. That’s how you become (and stay) a champion.
And if you used a system with great success… wouldn’t you continue to study the latest developments in the system?
And finally, if you came across a teacher who’s system completely changed your fortunes and your life… wouldn’t you stay in touch with that teacher? Wouldn’t you become an advocate and a friend of that teacher?
Dick Balajadia
Hi Jeff! Im currently one of you enrollees for this year PLF, a big hello from the Philippines. Im really intersted on how to apply your program to my businesses. More power to you.
I’m a skeptic, too. I do believe this can work for other people, people selling higher price products, but not for people selling lower price products. By low price, I mean $2.99 or $3.99. Has anyone ever used your course to successfully sell products (in my case novels and novellas in ebook form) at these prices?
I’d be interested, too!
Jeff Walker
One of my most successful clients has launched many times at the $10 price point.
The real question is what else could possibly work for you at that low a price point? Clearly, the people having real success in your market are building a tribe of followers (ie, an email list) and then they’re marketing to those people. And the most effective way to sell to that type of a list is with a sequence… which is just another word for a launch.
Bethany Healy
Hi Jeff! You’re an inspiration! Thanks for all the videos and emails! I have a background in modeling, acting and sales, so I know the importance of marketing- thanks for the great reminder which I needed! I’m just finishing a book on health and weight loss as well.
Message for Luis and your work of teaching as you are living parenting: My triple great grandfather left the “old country” as we say, where he taught in a one-room schoolhouse to come pioneering in Canada. So I have teaching and learning in my genes. Five generations later I have earned the first doctorate in our family — in lifelong learning of course (!) When you, Luis, used the term “launch” with regard to lifting parents and children into a better life, I saw rays of light shooting out into darkness. — That’s why each of us who has something to share, must share. That’s what we are doing. Lighting the world.
Astrid Larsen
Oh Jeff!
I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the free training pre-lauch videos.
I was thoroughly enjoying them and then went onto my emails to settle into another training session this morning on video three when I got the notification that registration is closed – so it seems the free videos are no longer available if one didn’t register. Eeek!
Is there any chance you’ll be offering them during the year?
The videos I did go through – taking copious notes, and rewinding often for maximum assimilation – helped me enormously and I am so very grateful to be on the receiving end of your generosity. I will use every morsel you shared!
I was not able to register as I simply don’t have the funds available at this time (currency exchange rates are a challenge at present) to do your whole course. Another time!
All the very best – better than best! – for this year’s training.
Hi Jeff,
I have spent SO much $ on my business that I have none left to work with!
Accidentally wasted over $200,000.00
I love your content and feel that it might be a real game changer for me, but I don’t have the $ to buy.
Enough whining! What I would really like to ask is, what do you consider “great marketing?”
Oh yes!
You are a good man.
Thanks for now and I shall be back!!!
Luis Carlos Flores
I can definitely remember that skepticism… not so long ago I was there. I wish there were an easier way to show people what’s possible… but like you said, it’s also about believing in yourself.
Thanks Jeff… for everything.
Luis and Gabi, I was touched by your story. I am so happy for you both! You’ve deserved it!
Thank you Jeff for sharing with all of us all your knowledge and dedication! Thank you !!!
PS: We just bought the PLF ( me and my wife ) and stories like that are very inspirational. We are sure that with a hard work and positive attitude We’ll have sucess too. Big hug to you Jeff , Luis, Gabi and all the great Team is working with you.
Carrie Sechel
Congratulations on your launch! I really appreciate your comments about skeptics… to remember that people are skeptical and that it’s my job to help them see that transformation is available for them. Thanks so much for your awesome work!
Elisabeth Williams
I’m a believer! Perfect timing as I begin creating my marketing plan and incorporate PLF into it. Thanks for the encouragement.
You touched on many great points about marketing. How people respond is always about the person responding. People see us as they are, not as we are. It’s a projection of their beliefs, attitudes and judgements. It’s obvious to me that you are a very real, sincere and upfront guy who really wants to help people with PLF. As yet, I’ve only used parts of PLF to do my launches. But, I’ve definitely made back the money I invested in PLF, plus I’ve become a much more savvy marketer. You’re a really good role model and influence Jeff! Thank you!!
Carlos Monteiro
Nice thought, Jeff. Now I wander… What will be your next step ? What are um going to do do, to sharpen your marketing even further ? Is ther any thing to do, to avoid ( or at least try ) the contamination that this skeptical kind of interaction brings to the market ? Tell us: what to do ? Take care, carlos
Beth Luwandi
What a good reminder! I’m so convinced of my own methods, I need to remember and remember and remember that the intensity of my belief can’t really carry others. But seeing from their view and motivating from that place can! That’s great, ethical advertising!
Maryellen Romine
I don’t know how anyone could distrust you or the honesty or your motives. Your genuine spirit just shines through your work and if someone can’t see it, I think the issue is with them, not you. We need more businessmen like you in this chaotic world of ours!
And Luis, I can’t remember when I’ve heard such a heartfelt and heartwarming story of a business! We really need businesses like this everywhere in the world!
Julie Helmrich
Thanks, Jeff! Loved the videos and the comments. Thanks for the imagination that I now have about next level.