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Every week I send you a new blog video — and I absolutely love doing it — but this week’s video is going to be a little different.

This is really a sort of call to arms… I’m in Phoenix for my annual Product Launch Formula Live event and, as we go in, I keep thinking about what it took to get me here.

There's a big lesson in this one…

Please leave a comment below and tell me what you think…

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140 Replies to “With Your Tribe”

      • Oh Jeff that’s fantastic, very encouraging and with a humble beginning. Thanks alot

    • Thomas Pate


      What an absolute awesome weekend! This PLF live was my second in a row and Still learned a ton and made many key connections with several people that want to be on my upcoming podcast show! Amazing event with amazing people attending !
      A big, big LLLLAAAUUUNNNCCCHHH! To you all!

    • I’m ready to give up on my dream. I’m in a country that is at its worst economic situation in history. I hardly make money to get by. I wanted to sing up to Eben’s webinar. But, I don’t have enough money to do anything. Great inspiring people have their webinars everyday and I can’t afford it. I like your enthusiasm. You are really awesome!

  1. I was there in PLF LIVE 2013 and I just loved it.
    Enjoy the rest of the training!
    You are AWESOME!!!
    Alain Pomerleau . com

  2. I experienced major FOMO this week (“fear of missing out“). I so wish I could have joined you. I heard it was an awesome, awesome event!

    • Michael, will you by chance be at the Spring 2016 PLF Live Event? Would love to meet you after following you for so long. Thanks for everything you do. All the best!

    • You’re not the only one, Michael! I hope to be one of those lucky thousand one day. Thanks, Jeff, for letting us have a peek and helping us “launch”!

    • You were there in spirit! Absolutely incredible to hear Stu talk about the impact you’ve had and continue to have. Thank you for your generosity with World Teacher Aid!

    • I was looking for you, Mr. Hyatt! I’m in your Platform University. You’re helping me build it, looking to James Wedmore to help me film it and Jeff is helping me launch it!!

      Thank you Jeff and your team for a perfectly amazing weekend! I felt like I was there with the best of the best!

  3. Pauline Long



    IP want to Thank you and your friends for launching me. I know my biggest problem is not being around people wwho understand and support my vision. Also speeding myself too thin instead of focusing on my business. Your Blg was just a confermation for me today of how to grow.

  4. PLF Live was truly AWESOME! Jeff, your words could not have been more true – spending time with those who lift you up and make you better is a MUST as an entrepreneur. Thanks for inspiring us to greatness!

  5. Just WOW.
    I am deeply inspired by how you keep raising the bar, and how amazing the tribe you’ve built is.
    It’s such a pleasure to be here at PLF Live and get to spend 3 days with the awesome people you attract.
    Thank you for showing up for all of us in such a big way.

    • Thank you for your service, your kindness and your generosity of spirit. It was a pleasure sitting next to you and chatting last weekend. Sebastien. LLlllllllaunch!!!!!

  6. Beautiful tribe, awesome one-shot video, terrific message from Jeff. So inspired! Thank you for sharing a little piece of PLF Live with us.

  7. Very inspirational.

    Putting on a live event with a room packed of your buyers is probably the ultimate that most people that start on their entrepreneurial journy can aspire to.

    One thing I’d like to add of value: whatever you’re doing, stop focussing solely on the end result and enjoy the journey. That’s what’ll keep you going when you hit the rough patches.

    And don’t forget to celebrate the little wins along the way.


    • Gianfranco Arfinengo


      I agree. Thank you for remember this to me.
      Best Regards

  8. What an inspirational and empowering weekend. Happy to be here! Thank you Jeff and Team Walker! Thank you for being you and by doing so attracting this awesome community of driven, warm, open, innovative, humble and supportive co-entrepreneurs who arr excited about helping each other toward the next level in life and business. A big LAUNCH to y’all!

  9. I was in the crowd for this one. Thank you so much Jeff AND your awesome team. I have gotten answers to some of my roadblocks and am excited to LAUNCH!!!!

  10. Fantastic! Looking forward to getting along to PLF live next year to soak up the learning, be inspired and connect with others who are ready to LAUNCH. Enjoy!

  11. What a great video. I can’t wait to be there in 2016. Loving the course. Resetting my life not just product launches Jeff!! Have a wonderful event everyone and best of luck. See you in 2016!!

  12. Hi Jeff,

    It’s 6am Monday morning here in Japan – watching this video is a great start to the week!

    Thanks for all you do.


  13. You all cause me to see the light of the world. Abundant life to you all.

  14. Jeff, you are right it was a bit goofy!

    Spent the weekend a while ago with Roger Hamilton and I can see the syncronicity between you both. I am looking forward to joining PLF when I get another invite


  15. Jeff, the energy at the PLF live looks amazing. Its exciting to see all of the folks out there you’re helping by providing the tools that can make some of their dreams actually come true. Way to go!!!

  16. Awesome Jeff. I grow up many businesses in my life, but right now, I just did my first launch with more than 1000 dudes. It is the smallest business I start in my life, but it was the most exiting for me, because it is about sharing my knowledge and helping other to grow up their own business. Next year I will find time to come to PLF live event.

  17. Hi Jeff, Thanks for your great inspiration and motivational videos. Every day it’s KILL or FLY with my ideas and I keep facing forward and flapping madly..your ZAP of launch energy here today, sent goosebumps ~ thanks everyone @ PLF Live. 🙂
    Linda Gillan – HEARTOofLINDA / 5andGROWING ~ Project for Mental Health Awareness.

  18. Thrilled to be here with this amazing tribe! Feeling enriched and challenged — thank you, Jeff! Also, I love your “twist” on competition!

  19. Read your book, follow your great videos, you are one of my main virtual mentors as I prepare to soon launch my The God Zone Show podcast and website. Looking forward to at sometime participating at one of your live events. Thanks so much for all your great content and influence.

  20. Jeff… An OSCAR for the post of the week Sir.
    This goes straight as an arrow to the secret of it all: TRIBE. You’ve proved in this video that once you find ‘your people’ who trust you, (the “madding” crowd waving behind you) then when you make an offer, resistance to buying is reduced to virtually zero. Brilliant. Congratulations on your steadfast path, I’m still working on mine.

  21. Great energy, going to add that clip to my inspirational video list. Love the way you put that together, not only the message but how it was done is an inspiration!

  22. I like the energy here! It was great symmetry. I tuned in and thought it may be a lot of talk..yada yada.. but you were simple, clear and motivating!

  23. Sandy Alemian


    How fun!! Thanks for the continued inspiration, Jeff. Best of luck..though it’s not luck at all…to everyone there…and here! 🙂

  24. Jeff–

    Thank you SO MUCH for sending launch energy outward from PLF live. I’m in one of those “dark night of the creator’s soul” moments, trying to manage the magnitude of the task I’ve set myself. I’ve been pursuing and nurturing a vision for more than a decade, and much work has already been done–and every night, after I sign off from the day job, I keep pushing on. I joined PLF this year because I knew the timing was right to take things to another level. In my experience, the universe throws new challenges at you when you do step up–and that’s been happening in my world big time almost since the moment when I joined–so I’ve been feeling overwhelmed and maybe even (paradoxically) a little bit lonely–I’m working through the modules but at a snail’s pace, given all the other things I have to deal with to keep the ship of state afloat :- )

    But just now, hearing your words, and the warmth, honesty, and generosity behind them, combined with that image of the wonderful group of people behind you waving…wow. it brought tears to my eyes–I could seriously feel the love. Double, triple, quadruple thanks. Next year, I’ll be there with you–one way or the other–and between now and then I WILL keep on stepping up, sustaining the joy, and learning how to move from vision to reality. L.A.U.N.C.H.

  25. Jeff, thanks for the video blog and for the shot of energy. Keep me moving forward.

  26. Michael Brown


    Hey Jeff looks like a blast and a true tribal upliftment! Bummed I didn’t make it…

  27. Love it! Can’t wait to go next year. Thanks everyone for the “LAUNCH”!

  28. I appreciate the vibration from everyone and Jeff your most powerful words … take a micro step, any step is as powerful as a giant step. 🙂

  29. Gianfranco Arfinengo


    Great to receive all your energy and advisory.
    Thnak you all.

  30. Wow! What an amazing boost of energy we can feel even at thousands of miles. Very inspirational. Thanks Jeff for these confidence building video’s. They really are energy shots and helps us in all the way. Knowing how to enjoy the journey and focusing on todays improvement opportunity instead of the end result is really inspiring.


  31. Thanks Jeff for sharing a video from PLF 2015. What an awesome crowd. I’m looking forward to PLF 2016! I plan to be there as a new PLF customer this fall. I’m still in Module 2 but enjoying the journey.

  32. Wow feeling super inspired. Looking forward to being in the room for PLF live in 2016. Go for LAUNCH! You’re all awesome.

  33. Lynda Orton-Hill


    I am part of a tribe that is part of your tribe 🙂 blessed to have the opportunity to join in at PLF this weekend… WOW WOW WOW what an experience!


  34. Dwayne Sequeira


    Aweome message Jeff! Gotta say that I love the tribe that you have created from the ‘ether’… Look forward being there next year!

  35. The revolution will not be televised, it is getting launched!

    Grass roots movements of all kinds came together and got “our glow.” I am at the airport, but can’t help being at 30,000 feet.

    Carry the ease and spread it contagiously PLF tribe!

  36. So awesome!! PLF Live is a truly unique event! Thank you, Jeff, for believing in and challenging your tribe to “level up.” You truly do attract the most awesome people!

  37. For the first time in my life I find someone, you Jeff, that is going to help me change Humankind, on a Real Actionable way: thank you for making PLF2015 possible and for creating the Launch Club.

    You are wicked AWESOME!

  38. Thanks for the very inspirational video Jeff. You are a great entrepreneur and motivator. Your book and videos really help me keep leveling up.

  39. I totally getcha’ on this, Jeff.

    That BOOST of energy creates the confidence needed to DREAM and CREATE BIG. Every little step is needed, from taking a few deep breaths to connecting in an inspired way with a high level friend. Good, good stuff!

    From here, I’m going to be reaching out directly to some healer friends and potential affiliates and BOLDLY SHARE the high vision that calls me and that I’m using PLF to reach and positively impact THOUSANDS of people. Thank you, brother.

  40. LaaaaaaaaaAUNCH!!!! This was my first PLF live and it will definitely not be my last. Everything was world class and most of all fun! The tips on how to network, where to eat, dance/raise the energy breaks and the sweet meditation that we started day 1 with set a new standard for live event production. Thank you Jeff. I’ve waited a whole year to meet you in person and it was worth the wait! See you in Launch Club! ~ Denise Joy

  41. I feel so blessed to be a part of such an amazing group. The networking was just put of the world. I met so many of my future JV partners and so glad I was part of this.
    Thank you Jeff for creating am awesome community!

  42. I found this video to be quite inspiring. Put yourself in Jeff’s shoes. Can you imagine how awesome it would be to host your own live event with 1000 members of your own tribe there to learn from you? Looking at the auditorium of empty seats from the stage really puts the magnitude of the fear you need to overcome into perspective. GO BIG, GO LOUD.

  43. PLF live has been an amazing experience. I learned a lot from the course, but the live event has taken it to another level. Thank you so much!

  44. Dear Jeff, it is awesome to watch and hear you….I can recall my being part of similar educational form and seminar series few years ago….I am missing my tribe as you say is so true. I wish I could a wail such energy boosting wonderful work of yours in your part of the world. Keep it up. God bless you. And I am hoping to get the same even the mini doses of watch you on the net…..thank God for that prevailed get. Love n good wishes….manpreet

  45. YES! Surround yourself with believing partners!
    Confident people take action. A confident person will act on their ambitions and desires and will not let the fear of failure stop them.
    The more we take action, the more our confidence grows. We do something and success is hand and the next time around it feels easier to do it again.
    Dr. Fe

  46. As an aspiring speaker, thanks for the view from the stage. Everything looks different when you’re in front of the audience.
    At first I wondered if the audience was just being projected onto a screen behind Jeff. Thanks for the Launch energy.

  47. I can’t even express how awesome PLF Live was this weekend – it was an amazing experience where I got a ton of clarity and made some wonderful friends. I know it will have a huge impact on my next launch (next month) and make it truly epic with the epiphanies I had while going through the experience. Thank you so much Jeff!
    PS – A message to Jeff, Team Walker and the other PLF Live peeps…. “Ohhhh OH oh oh ohhhh ohhhhhhhhh” (singing all the way home on the airplane tomorrow) Aloha!
    PPS – Come visit us on Kauai!

  48. Andrew Davidson


    Quite amazing. I felt the awesomeness rush through to me from the audience! Just amazing. Keep up the motivation Thanks Jeff and to those at the PLF event. Thank you

  49. Thanks Jeff for sending this.
    I thought you’ld greenscreened yourself onto the Video, but these people were for real, waiting you to send us the message. Thank you guys, I really appreciate that act of kindness!

  50. It is 7:25am here in Nj… opened this first thing… what a great “launch to my day” ! Thank you everyone!


  51. I am the seminar junkie queen and am already excited to hit PLF live next year!

  52. A very inspiring video, Jeff! I like the personal feel and what an amazing tribe you have. If anyone if contemplating the launch of a book, business or project, I always recommend that they read your book, Launch, and get in touch with you. All the best, Madeleine

  53. The switch from an empty room to a crowd was genius. I was thinking about that for the rest of the video. Thanks for the launch.

    God bless.

  54. Darlene Osowiec


    Jeff and Audience, Thanks for the Launch energy and forward movement. It is true, the job of a positive coach/leader is to hold a bigger vision for yourself, others, and for the future. You nailed it again. Thanks everyone. Yes, you are all awesome!

  55. Mary Gunther


    Thanks for the energy launch!! I am looking forward to 2016 Conference!

  56. Thank you Jeff for the incredible inspiration you provided at the event. I am honored to have been at the event as part of you tribe! LAUNCH!!

  57. You are all amazing in the truest sense. The level of inspiration, confidence, trust and authenticity has been off the charts. I am so lucky and proud to be associated with this organization and it’s positive energy. Keep it going!

  58. Yesss! That’s awesome! So much energy. I am very inspired.
    I see all your methodical and strategic hard work has paid-off.
    I can now see what is possible for me.

    Thank you for feeling like you’re responsible for my success.
    I will be in honor of you! 😀
    Rene’ Michelle Floyd

  59. Awesomesauce!

    Creative, Compelling and Collaborative.

    Watching you and Daniel create this video before our eyes, was powerful! And bringing us into the story was brilliant. The behind the scenes, looking under the hood, hands on training was priceless. I would like to see more of this type of training.

    I’m back “on the rim” reflecting on my first PLF LIVE experience. My expectations were exceeded and the people I met were amazing!

    My 1st goal was to connect and build a solid relationship with 1 person…Accomplished. (I connected with 3 people).

    My 2nd goal was to walk away with a detailed Launch Implementation Plan…Accomplished. (A big thanks to my launch pad coach for helping me clarify my plan).

    Already looking forward to PLF 2016. Thanks Jeff and team for a super spectacular event!

  60. Jeff + Team,

    My sister and I just arrived home from PLF Live and we both agreed that this event was THE most exhilarating, inspiring, emotional, and exciting seminars that we have ever been to. Thank you SO much for sharing so much with your tribe and always being an incredible visionary. Can’t wait for the next event!

  61. Thanks Jeff and all the awesome PLF Live family…that ‘launch’ brought tears to my eyes and I really need to hear your words Jeff and feel the PLF love today. ♥

  62. I hope to bring me-self and me-wife along to one of these PLF live, and I see it happening to myself in less than five years time! Excited to be the one sending energy instead, Jeff. =)

  63. Jeff!!! You truly rock and what an amazing guy you are, this video with the awesome crowd at PLF Live just made my day!! Laaaaaauunch!! 😀 😀

  64. It was so great to be there. I met so many wonderful, people and learned so much. The spirit of generosity that filled the event was beyond awesome!

  65. Awesome, just awesome!!! I totally GOT the burst of energy and had a big old LOL at the end . . . genuine, inspiring and so, so helpful 🙂 I am totally fired up about coming to PLF Live next spring, whoo hoo! Thanks 🙂

  66. Jeff… it truly was an AWESOME event… I look forward to seeing my wife on your stage in April as one of your “Launch Panel”… it was also amazing to be apart of Amy and Stu’s “Tribe”… Now let’s see what Mr. Hyatt can do…

  67. I FEEL THE LAUNCH!!! Thanks for the energy!!! So great to see the PLF LIVE participants! And looking forward to being there next year!!!

  68. CRAZY AWESOME WEEKEND! I am Pumped and READY TO GO with More Clarity than I thought Possible.. Heading to Launch Con October 2016 with friends, colleagues and New friends from PLF LIVE 2015~~~~

  69. Hmm… I love that! “My job is to have a bigger vision for you” 🙂

    It’s amazing to see where PLF has grown! I’m totally inspired… and stretched my vision 🙂

  70. I missed you guys this year. So bummed. Can’t wait to hear what everyone accomplishes in the year to come! Llllllaaaauuuunnnnccch!

  71. Erin Budwick


    The reason I thought I was coming was not the reason I came. Awesome event, awesome people. Thank you for your awesome spirit and giving! LLLllllaunch!!!!!!!!!!

  72. Thanks for the shout out from the live event. I have been such a lone entrepreneur all these years, I can hardly imagine what it would be like to be supported by other entrepreneurs. I feel the love from my clients, but know that what you are saying is gold, it’s who you spend your time with, and whether or not you have support.I know I have spent a lifetime supporting others, it sure would be great to feel it returning. My father was the most positive person that I’ve ever known. He got up everyday as if it were all new again. I strive to be like that. Thanks for the daily encouragement.

  73. The energy at PLF Live was pure AWESOME!!! Thanks, Jeff, for gathering and inspiring this tribe! Llllllauuuunchhhh …

  74. All I can say is WHAT AN EXPERIENCE!!! So much energy, motivation and just plain AWESOMENESS. Will be there again in the spring no matter what!! Thank you Jeff! LLLLLLLLAUNCH!!!!!!

  75. Venetka Marinova


    You are absolutely right Jeff. You all look awesome. Here is a quote in resonance with what you said about your perfect tribe.

    “Love your family, choose your pairs wisely”

    Thanks Jeff. As allways you are awesome!


  76. That audience – those PLF owners – are PRETTY DARN AWESOME!
    Wooot woooot!
    That totally inspired me, so THANK YOU.

  77. PLF LIVE was amazing. It surpassed all my expectations. We learned many nitty gritty details that only come from in person events. I can’t wait for the next PLF LIVE! LAUNCH!

  78. Nikki Merzliakov


    Love it! My 2yo kept repeating ‘seed launch’ over and over again when she heard me playing this video! WOW.

  79. Jeff, you inspire me to step up every day, for my team and my community. PLF Live was an absolutely AWESOME experience! I know what I need to do with my team to grow, and I’m all charged and ready for my next… LLLLLAUNCH!!!

  80. Thank you, Jeff and team, for an extraordinary event. I’ve been to a few, but never felt quite this much camaraderie, this much love, this much resolve in a room to make such a difference in the world. Humbling, inspiring, motivating, and quite, quite wonderful. Love to you all from the UK!

  81. Well done! Nice to see such a big turnout, Jeff…congratulations on making a significant positive impact. Seeing that many folks show up is a testament to what you’ve accomplished. Thanks for motivating & showing how it’s done; your PLF process is a winner 🙂

    To launch success,

  82. PLF Live is 3 days of Grade A, 100% pure AWESOME SAUCE!

    The beautiful expression of Richa was a once in a lifetime experience!

    The whole event was amazing. Thank you Jeff!

  83. Jamey Kowalski


    I am grateful for your awareness of exercise, meditation and yoga as a complete human working from inner authority to demonstrate to others what is possible. The “launch” energy from your crowd of friends was great, and I could feel the broader support possible in our shared missions. Thank you.

    PS – Your team rocks! : )

  84. Jeff,

    I have to admit that I’ve watched over 25 of your videos tonight and I am beyond words. You have inspired me in so many ways. I started the A.N.G.E.L. (All Nations Generating Equal Love) Foundation and Inter-Governmental Organization in December 2014 through an inspiration from God. We now have 12 countries looking over our Charter and reviewing joining us through Accession. We want to teach the poor to be self-sustainable through Permaculture and want to be involved in countries through Product and Technology Transfer. We have several Angel Ambassadors in countries all over the world and they are working hard to make this a reality.

    Highest regards,


  85. Hey there Jeff and all your closest friends at your launch…

    I loved it a felt launched just when i needed that extra turbo boost. Confidence is so important and the gentle nurturing of the seeds of our brillance. Hope my trajectory lands me at your next launch woo hoo!

    my sunny best wishes from Uganda a land rich with entrepreneurs…


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