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Someone left a negative comment on the video I filmed with Tony Robbins. And as crazy as it sounds, I thought they brought up a very good point about what it takes to achieve success in life…

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62 Replies to “Lessons from YouTube Critics”

  1. Love this post thank you – especially the concept that ‘you’re only competing with the ones who are in it to win it!’

    Interestingly you said there were 3,000 people at the Tony Robbins event … but only around 50 people actually stood up to be counted as ‘in it to win it’ – meaning the ones who wanted to win were only competing with just 1.6% of everyone in the room… Pareto’s Rule on Steroids! 🙂

  2. I love your response and logic! I think I”m going to move from playing to being “in it to win it!” Thank you for doing this video 🙂

  3. Thanks for the reminder… just packed the race car and it’s raining like Crazy… any normal person would cancel track day but after listening to you, again… and had a great cup of morning coffee, we’re gonna “burn some rubber” and train to win – our own fears and bad habits 🙂

  4. Never thought about it in this way.
    It change the odds so much and by remembering it, definitely make the light in the end of the tunnel much bigger.
    Thank you for sharing. Appreciate it.

  5. LOVE this Jeff! I have a couple of executive coaching clients who aren’t seeing success because they don’t see them selves “winning” through the process of coaching (It was mandated by the company president and not everyone in the c-suite was open to the idea of personal coaching). Intention is so important. Playing full out is key. Love the story of you and your son playing that game with Tony Robbins, what a great teaching moment! – Thanks for sharing.

  6. Trevor Maurice


    Love it, Jeff! Just what I needed at this time. I’ve hit a roadblock (going in for the removal of my prostate gland in about 21 days – Grade 8 cancer, has to come out)
    BUT I’m determined, even when I’m in the hospital, and then recuperating at home, to continue to STUDY success, and keep moving FORWARD!!!
    I AM one of those ’50’! I am NOT just the ‘3000’, especially the beer-swilling type’. Doc says that’s no good for me anyway! 🙂



      Trevor you could do it I am with you ,You are brave person .you make your life more enjoyable daily
      You are not the one ,many many lives un touch,miserable Wish to hear from you my friend

      • Trevor Maurice


        Thanks, GK! I’m trying very hard but these videos, like the one Jeff has just done, help make things just that bit easier via the inspiration 🙂

    • You can do this, Trevor. My dad had prostate cancer when he was in his 70’s. He is cancer free today and is celebrating his 90th birthday next month. When the doctor told him the diagnosis, my dad said his response was, “No. I’m healthy.” He went through treatment and all the while kept seeing himself healed. Keep seeing yourself healed and healthy. I’m praying for your rapid recovery.
      You’ve got this, Trevor!

      • Trevor Maurice


        Thank you, Carol! I’m certainly ‘healed’ focussed!
        Trevor M.

  7. Great video Jeff and so true. I’ve been guilty of trying to survive on my real estate business instead of going for the gold and planning to win. I appreciate the reminders every Sunday that massive success my definition is possible!

  8. Thanks Jeff, you just underlined the way I feel about business even though I am 79 years old, I am still in it to win! When people ask why are you still working? I say – we are still developing and growing this business and the day I don’t enjoy it, I will retire.

  9. Thanks Jeff a great message. Tony Robbin’s Personal Pwer help redirect my life’s compass. Your Product Launch Formula opened my world, keeping me focused on my true North. I’m ever so grateful.

  10. The lesson about being in it to win it is gold!! I never realised that you aren’t in competition with everyone, but the few people who are in it to win it. Thanks so much for sharing

  11. Loved, loved, loved this video. You articulated what I’ve always believed, but louder. I also believe that each of the 50 were winners because of the effect it had on their mental state. Approaching life with the intent to win creates in us winners regardless the outcome.

  12. Love the message, Jeff! It’s the little things like this that make all the difference. And, it’s the *other* little things that keep us from making a difference… if we let them.

    By the way, nice bokeh… that’s a cool effect (do more of that)!

  13. Aaron M Koral


    Jeff – another great video with a powerful lesson, thank you. Quick question: when someone is striving for success, isn’t it better to compete against yourself versus comparing yourself to other people who are striving for the same level of success? I’ve always found that when I compare my progress now to where I was before, I feel far better about my chances of improvement both in business and investing. This isn’t to say I don’t study the success of other people like yourself and James Altucher as another example. I’m only trying to understand how Tony Robbins came to the conclusion that people who strive to win are competing against other folks who strive to win. Thanks Jeff, as always for your wisdom and generosity.

  14. The smile you give at the end of your video is remarkable. The light and love that comes through you is a different way of reminding Eric that even those that don’t crush it financially (for whatever reason) can have what you have regardless of their cash flow. I love winning! I say bring it on. But equally importantly, I say bring on your joy. Whether you win the game (go on stage) or lose (sit in the chair), joy is joy. You radiate joy Jeff. That is something Eric can take with him every time he watches your videos. I know I do.

  15. “You’re not competing against everyone, just the ones who are in it to win it.” Very powerful thought for reflection. And even more so, you’re competing against yourself. Your own will to stand and battle when it gets tough.

    Something else that stood out for me was the relative levels of success that can be had. Jeff and Tony are both super successful, and are also very different. Tony has multiple businesses and is all over doing many events. He owns a professional sports team. That’s not Jeff’s type of success. Jeff lives a quiet life in a smaller mountain town.

    Design your own success and build that!

    Thanks Jeff.

  16. I follow you Jeff! I admire you and I have learned so much from you! Thanks for being so inspiring and for sharing ❤️

  17. Great video Jeff. I don’t usually leave comments but I really loved the are you in it to win it comment and the Simon says game. I am about to compete in my 15th ironman in 2 weeks and I totally get it. Most of the competitors are there to cross the finish line. Only a handful are there to win it.
    Let’s go get them this week. 😉

  18. Hi Jeff, I am following you for more than 2 years now. I LOVE your movies, and I LOVE your statements. My favorite statement is: “what is the next step?”. Small statement, but so empowering. You teach those-that WANT to-move-forward HOW to move forward. That is what counts. There will always be critics. Don’t let them stop you! You are an amazing person! Thank you so much for being who you are!!

  19. Jeff,
    Thank you. Needed and loved this post. Your sharing of the Simon Says game with Tony Robbins really tied it all together and brought it home for me. Although I don’t know either of you personally, I thank you and Tony for being 2 people who set a tone for inspiration and transparency. Have a beautiful week!

  20. Wow,Jeff. You helped me with focus on learning the internet business I want to start. I didn’t realise I was doing the learning with only 3/4ths of the drive I need to have. Thank you so much. I have an important training coming up in a few weeks and I truly think I would have been dragging myself through it without this podcast. Thank you so much! Diane

  21. Fabulous, Jeff. Yes, even if we just compete with ourselves, our existing or previous self, that is a monumental message to get out of inertia. We are here to experience life not just to exist in it.

    Wonderful. Great way to start the day.

  22. YES!!! I love this video. Spot on. Well said! And – let me add this – I LOVE the energy and excitement you have when sharing about this topic. Because I know what you are saying is true. Thanks! Irina, Oslo, Norway

  23. Thank You Jeff. Well said and I must say has given me inspiration to evaluate the places in my life where I have frustration. I am wondering now if perhaps some things I really don’t want bad enough and whether or not I should eliminate the struggle there or re-examine my attitude. I think as human beings there is not one human alive who can say this is not true. People like Eric need to have a good old fashioned sit down with themselves and come to terms with their desire meter.

  24. Everyone starts at the bottom. If you persist, you will rise through the levels.
    Even the 1 percenters make 100 fold less than the 0.1 percenters.
    We can’t start at Jeff Walker’s current level, but we can start where he did. At the bottom.

  25. Jeff off the whole topic of this! Can’t remember if we paid last year £9.95 or £19.95 in the UK for you book re emails (product launch) however I’m guessing on the exact number but I would say with a total of about 30 hours work maximum! It must have made us at least £30,000.00 profit & for this I thank you so much.

  26. Lol, that sounds like a very angry, very frustrated guy – a guy who may have tried many, many times to achieve your (and others’) level of success, but has just been unable to do that. But what I think he’s REALLY angry are his own beliefs about what’s actually even POSSIBLE for himself as an individual. And we all know the problem with that! As Tony has said so many times, “Whatever we believe to be real and true, usually shows up as real and true in our world.” So if this guy really believes he’s “never, ever” going to achieve success at the top levels, no wonder he hasn’t!

  27. Haha I’m so old when i bought off the infomercial, cassettes were the only choice! Tony has changed my life too. I was with him in Hawaii as a team leader on 9/11.

  28. Starting my working day with this video… now I am in a great mood to go for it! 🙂 Next week is pre-launch week for me, so I’m getting ready. Thank you, Jeff! I love getting your emails 🙂

  29. Such a great reminder about what susccess is and isn’t. My goal is to be successful at what I”m doing, not beat Tony Robbins or you!! HOw funny. Love that you addressed his comment and the approach you took….just great. thanks!

  30. Awesome video! Thank you, Jeff!
    Looking at my area and business now from the perspective – who is in there to win, I had to realize that I have NO competition, maybe one or two people that are offering slightly similar classes like me, but nobody like me. It is a very empowering thing to realize 🙂

  31. Tom Sikorski


    Great post! So true! The trap is called “All or Nothing Thinking.” EVERY step we make in the right direction increases our PROBABILITY of doing BETTER and THAT is worth working toward. The danger of idolizing mentors is to feel so inadequate by comparison that we give up on the gifts we could have given and the success we could have enjoyed.

    Years ago I was leading a game for children at a day care center. When one kid saw that he was behind, he walked off. (We are talking a FOUR YEAR OLD here.) I about fainted. I wanted to scream. I DO THAT!

    I used to do a summer camp program called “Playing to Win.” I told the kids: NOT EVERYONE CAN BE THE FIRST TO CROSS THE FINISH LIINE OR HAVE THE HIGHEST SCORE. …………..but………………you CAN always “WIN” better fitness by taking part, develop social skills AND set a benchmark of what to improve on in the future. Now THAT’S being “in it to win it.”

    PS- I am a lifelong Tony fan too. I discovered “Unlimited Power” in the late’80s and went to his certification in Hawaii in 1989. His guidance has been a MAJOR influence in my life.

  32. I love it when people get upset when they are given an answer to a problem but refuse to accept it because it actually takes work to create the solution. Like you said Jeff, would I want to learn from those who are not succeeding? Well, maybe what not to do.

    What I find amusing is how people will delete the part of the successful person’s story where they share their struggles. They share what it took to go from where they were at to where they are. They focus on the person being somehow unique in their accomplishments. The uniqueness is in that they did the work.

  33. Elvire Smith


    Yep, that’s it Jeff, are you in it to win it or not, love it, thanks for the reminder, so true. Tony changed my life 35 years ago at the Mastery University and I’m a lifelong fan. Love your down-to-earth videos, learn so much, connect so much, and that is how I like to do my videos as well – down-to-earth, simple, with the desire to connect to the people who are ready, and then help them move forward. 🙂

  34. I’m in it to win it, Jeff.

    Just about to do our first Seed Launch and I started to freeze up as I got into the video tech — camera, teleprompter, etc. But RECOGNIZED that I was freezing up and said, “I’m willing!” and “I’m relentless!” and got after it.

  35. Jose Rodriguez


    Hi Jeff, thank you for your video. You and Tony are an inspiration. A looser will always talk and critic. Will not take action. Will blame and point his finger. Thank God for those people, they just make our walk easier!!!

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