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Great news – you can get a copy of my book, How to be So Obnoxious, for less than two dollars!

Well… that’s what one 1-star reviewer thought my book, Launch, should be called… 🙂

I’m pleased to say that most of the other reviewers found it a little more useful. For example, someone shared how they had their best-ever launch – $230,000 in sales – using just the information in the book.

Would you invest $1.99 to get a $230,000.00 return?

Now’s your chance!

Watch the video to find out how you can pick up your copy of the fully updated and expanded edition of the #1 New York Times Bestseller, Launch, for just $1.99…

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P.S. Obviously, I can’t promise Launch will give you a $230k launch… but I CAN promise it will give you $348 in free bonuses, including:

Launch Quickstart – this four-part training covers the need-to-know core launch strategies my students have used to generate over a billion dollars in sales.

The Book Launch Breakdown – a behind-the-scenes session where I walk through how I launched this brand-new edition of Launch. I'll share what worked, what didn't work, and what were the highest-value, least-effort strategies.

The “3x Seven-Figure” Case Study – a full-length Case Study with Luis Carlos Flores and Gaby Gonzalez on how they used the strategies in Launch to build three different multimillion-dollar businesses.

Special Q&A Session with Me – I answered book buyers’ questions live, which is a pretty rare occasion outside of one of my events. We got detailed and tactical at this “Ask Me Anything” session, focusing on the needle movers that will get you launched.

Watch the video to find out how to get all this, plus my updated New York Times Best Seller, for less than $2.

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42 Replies to “Reading My Amazon Reviews (the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!)”

  1. Patricia Mayes


    Reading a paper is my best learning tool. Will order it today. Thanks for the iffer

  2. Annette Jackson


    I’d like a copy of your book LAUNCH for $1.99 as mentioned in the email you sent to me today.
    It said in the email click this link and I could buy it, then I clicked it and could not buy the book for $1.99.

    I look forward to hearing from you at your earliest convenience. I’m in the UK.

    Kind regards
    Annette Jackson

      • Ooh, I regret this. I live in Europe and would have happily agreed to this offer. Hopefully you’ll be able to do something for your followers overseas someday as well.
        Will the updated version also be available on iBooks?

    • Since it’s an offer for a digital Kindle Edition you could try using a VPN client to go via a US server to buy it on
      Or maybe you can buy it on even from the UK if you create a new account at I used to have a second account on, to order stuff for my sister who used to live in London.

  3. Thanks for the heads up, its available now for $1.99. Just purchased! Awesome offer.

  4. Allison Solomon


    I have seen how following Jeff formula has blown up a coach in my space business. Can’t wait to apply it to mine

  5. very nice I’m looking forward to helping businesses stay compliant and making some extra money on the side!

  6. Stan Shields


    This book is amazing, and it’s an amazing offer. I already have the hard copy and audible version. Maybe I’ll get Kindle too … LOL!!!

  7. Jean-David Roth


    I already bought the book, but not the revised edition, therefore I am going to take the opportunity to get it.
    I have to admit, though, that I did not read it because I need to take more action, and read less.
    Except that what I read so far is amazing, and that Jeff Walker is an amazing person.

    When it comes to interact with people, you will, if you listen to his free content you may find on the internet, you will somehow feel that Jeff has reached a certain level on some subjects you may be far to have attained yourself.

    Of course he sells things, but he does this nicely, and in the process of trying to sell, he gives a lot of value to those not able to afford it.

    So thanks, Jeff to what you gave to me so far, even if it might be also to install some kind of “reciprocity”, a tool in the persuasion arsenal model marketer use. I know that in your case, you are genuinely trying to make the world a better place to live in at the same time.

    And yes, about the bonuses you might provide, I like checklists. They are straight to the point, concise, and they call to action. Taking action is probably the #1 reason people fail to transition from the employee model to the entrepreneur model, speaking about their own lives. They fail to transition from learning and planning to implementing. At least in my case. So far. But this is going to change. Now. So, if you could provide some checklists as a bonus, to the rest of us, I would appreciate it very much.

    • Caesi Bevis


      I agree.

      Also in build mode, more than read mode.

      I keep Jeff’s books on hand for reference.

  8. John McManus


    Looking forward to getting your book and having a profitable launch.

  9. Michelle Paterson


    What to offer for early purchases? How about some free coaching time with you? What sold me here was the interview with Mary Gilkerson (RIP). Se had a huge following of artists and tere are A LOT of artists out there, thanks to the pandemic and a growing senior crowd looking for a hobby.
    Michelle Paterson



    I have no experience about product launch. A newbie here. All I know, I am trying to learn skill so I can join the freelancing world. I am a nurse for 21 years, who suddenly got sick with debilitated condition in 2017. I got tired of self pity. I am going to pick up myself and catch the wagon/train in 2023 whatever it takes. Ready to go back with my life stream strong, kind, generous, forgiving, and this time an follow my road goal to be an entrepreneur. With the guidance of Coach Allan Ngo in RP. Very grateful here.

  11. Dear Mr. Walker,

    You are not only brilliant, but your sincerity and humility are touching. I am a proud owner of your 2021 Kindle Edition of “Launch.” Thank you so much for offering your bonuses. Please let me know how I may participate in these bonuses. With gratitude,


  12. Yay, Jeff,
    Yes, I want the digital book for that price.
    I also want the hard cover book.

    Is there a place on PLF where we can arrange to sell your book and get a commission, or buy in bulk and get a lower price?

    I’m thinking of buying extra digital copies to use as a bonus or a gift or some other lead magnet.

    But I still like the idea of physically turning to the information tactilely not just visually.


  13. Caesi Bevis


    Digital good – hard copy / soft copy with easy flop open to use – even better!

    I am a highlighter/ underliner old school person.

    Yes, a tree hugger, and some books are just meant to be used open next to you while you work and build on the computer.

    Unless you have extra room for two monitors and want double the blue light attack on your eyes, much easier on the eyes to have to shift from screen to book then back to screen..

    The only reading I like on screen on transcripts for courses and webinars. Much faster to read and retention is way better highlighting while reading.

    Digital books I just use as reference not to read the whole book.

    So Jeff – will you be selling the soft or hard copy?

    How about an autographed edition for Christmas?

  14. Caesi Bevis


    Jeff – where is your link to your Amazon page, so you get credit for driving traffic to it?

  15. Caesi Bevis


    By the way, Jeff fans…

    If you have Amazon promotional credits, this book in hard copy is bought and sold by Amazon and qualifies for promo credits.

    You might get the hard copy at deep discount or free – and Jeff still gets paid the same commission.

  16. 580 5 star reviews coming up! I am going to give it a 5 star NOW as I just finished listening to it via audible (in the car today) — I also have the Launch book (not the kindle). HUGE gratitude for all the gold you give us!

  17. Renaud Bellefleur


    Hi Jeff! A Canadian here! I tried to grab a copy from at 1.99, but I can’t, it seems I have to buy it for 22.99$ from Does someone from your staff know how to get the deal in Canada? Thank you very much!

      • Renaud Bellefleur


        Ok! Thanks! Because I just saw that our American friends could already order it for 1.99 on, I was worried that I was missing out because I had to buy it on the Canadian platform 😊!

  18. I bought this book when it came out a just couple months ago. And it is fantastic.
    And, I also recommended it to all my clients, and they love it as well!
    Yesterday (Sunday my part of the world) I met with a client of mine at Raffles Place (Singapore). He had flown in from India. One of the first things I showed him was THE book. He is going to buy it.
    Thank you Mr. Walker for writing this book!

  19. Hello
    How much is the book ” Launch” for someone living in Ireland
    A lovely bonus would be a 45 mins one to one session

  20. Can’t wait to read it! Thank you Jeff.
    You are my favorite giver of content that matters✅

  21. Connie Livingston


    Thanks Jeff for this great book and for the head’s up on the November 24 sale.

    I purchased the Kindle book and look forward to reading it again.

    I’m not clear how to access the bonuses you outline above?

    Thanks for your help and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones!

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