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I have just one wish for you this holiday season…

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45 Replies to “A Very #Launchlife Christmas”

  1. Love your message Jeff. Thank you and all the same to you and your family Xxxx

  2. Greetings from Spain and thank you Jeff…
    Wishing you, your family and TeamWalker a lovely Christmas and most Amazing #launchlife year ahead.
    Lorrie & James xo

  3. You are so inspiring to me, Jeff! Thank you for all your video posts. I look forward to them every single week! Merry Christmas!

  4. John LEONARD


    Delightful message Jeff. We share your joy for Christmas and wish the spirit of Love and Compassion is in every heart this and every year!

  5. Merry Christmas!! Thank you so much for your message. I’m signing off to enjoy time with my family + friends. 🙂

  6. Clare Dreyer


    Merry Christmas to you Jeff and to your family. Love your positive messages. Thanks!

  7. Merry Christmas Jeff.

    Great message … I am savoring two stories in particular this year. My Mom and her best friend, my aunt, were both Godly women and they both passed this year. One raised me and showed me the way to God and the other saved me from drowning in a pool. I will spend time with my kids and even hug a grandson because those two lives changed my life and showed me the way forward.

    Thanks for leading by example. Well done.




    Hi.. Mr. Jeff Walker..

    It’s a matter of pleasure to celebrate Christmas with friends and the members of family. On the eve of the day, feeling happy to wish you Marry Christmas and the year 2018.

  9. I just lost my beloved Mom on Wednesday after a very sudden decline in her health. Much like your reference about your colleague at his child’s Christmas show, thanks to entrepreneurialism, I had the privilege of taking care of her (and also Dad) over the last 12 years in my home, and only since September, when her care needs exponentially increased, she has been up here in MA in a facility, surrounded by the rest of our family. Again, thanks to the privilege of running my own business, I was able to drop everything when I got the unexpected call on December 11, and quickly travel to be up here by her side for what was to be her last days with us here on Earth. We are clinging to the vision of her first Christmas in heaven. I have lived this family-first privilege for 19 years of being a business owner, and I am already grateful for the privileges that #launchlife will afford me in the future, as there are no riches greater than family! Thanks for blessing us all with your message, Jeff. Merry Christmas back to you and yours

  10. Merry Christmas to you and yours, Jeff. Thanks for being a part of our journey.

    Frank Farrell



  11. Robert White


    A VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you and your loved ones Jeff ! -Bob White

  12. Hi Jeff, Jenny, and family.

    When I heard you talk about Jenny, I knew I had to speak up.
    Jeff, I hope your staff gave you the professional Photonic Therapy red light I left at PLF live 2017 with your staff for use on your dog Jenny.
    Use it now to alleviate Jenny’s pain, whichever pain it may be, and give her the best time with you all in these last few days.

    My task in this life is to alleviate pain, may it be physical or mental, and this from any living being.

    I am here, and please contact me if you accept my help in the specific spots where to put the red light.

    Jenny for sure is grateful for the life she had with you all. Thank you for caring for her. Make her last chapter a good one and put that red light to use 😉

    Hugs to you Jenny.

    Merry Christmas to you all

  13. Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year to you and your family. You have truely been a gift to the entrepreneurial community. I wish you continued good health and success.

  14. Linda Raglione


    Thank you so much for this heartfelt message.
    This message is close to my heart.
    Family and love is the most important thing of all.
    All the best of everything to you and yours.
    Merry Christmas,

  15. Great message, Jeff! Rarely do we get enough encouragement to stop and smell the roses, so thanks for doing that. Yes, cherish time with your kids while they are young.

  16. Charry Stover


    Merry Christmas Jeff, and blessings for the dog — they are so very special.

  17. Happy Everything, Jeff and the whole family and community! Wishing you all Joy In Life! Thank you for sharing and providing a space to keep the great cheer going!😎

  18. Dearest Jeff and Launch Lifers, I wish you all a deep, inspired knowing that your work shines a brilliant light in the world…one of hope, joy, connection, healing, growth and love. You have been that for me as I navigate the entrepreneurial path… just knowing that you’re all out there building, nurturing, caring, stretching and creatively crafting possibilities that are blessings in our beautiful world. With the deepest gratitude to Jeff, a powerful light of wisdom with generosity and love. Peace and love to you all.

  19. Thank you, Jeff! I have been watching you for years — thank you for keeping it real and being a consistent inspiration!

  20. Thanks Jeff for your message this Christmas morning. Much appreciated. Wishing you all the best for Christmas and for 2018 from Australia.

  21. Beautiful Jeff! Thank you so much for taking the time to remind that time is fleeting. Slowing down the season by paying more attention and going deeper with family and friends is so important but we humans sometimes get sidetracked by the desire to succeed. Success is having that time, making that time.

  22. Merry Christmas to you and family Jeff. Thank you for sharing all year around!!
    God Bless!

  23. I’d like to wish you and your family a merry Christmas and a happy new year.

    I would also like to thank you for the presentation that I watched online.

  24. Thank you from Germany. Your’re so right . Best wishes to you and everyone here. I am looking forward to next year and my first launch now.

  25. Merry Christmas, Jeff! THANKS for a year of lively and interesting videos. Many blessings to your family and dear Jenny. I live in Hawaii, so far from my family– but I always come home for the holidays, just to be in cozy rooms full of loved ones. And to feel the beautiful belonging and the history in our bones. i love that, despite all the work and striving we do, that we stop at Christmas to honor and enjoy our deepest connections. Christmas is wonderful.

  26. Thanks Jeff, and Merry Christmas to you and yours too. I especially teared up with your reference to your dog. I have an elderly dog too and I don’t know how long she has as faculties are deteriorating fast. But, she’s a little trooper and is constantly beside me when she’s not asleep.
    Best wishes to you and yours,
    Blessings and Grace.



    These videos were wonderful, in all the right ways! Loved the “lost the tree 🌲 ” story!

  28. Patricia Reed


    Merry Xmas from Down Under Jeff! Thank you, have so enjoyed your messages throughout the year! I met you in person many years ago at an UnderGround seminar in DC, I think it was 2006, and have continued to follow your messages all these years. You are a complete inspiration to me!
    Best wishes for a wonderful family gathering, and I hope your remaining time with your much loved dog is very special.
    Warmest Regards, Patricia

  29. Merry Christmas Jeff. I hope your day was good. I ended up spending my day in the emergency dept of the hospital with a sick teenage son so today it is Boxing Day in Australia and we had a late Christmas. He is heaps better today. I love my family and I get the being present for them at Christmas and every day. xxx

  30. Thanks for your positive messages this year! Much appreciated!! Happy New Year and all best wishes for you, family and your team in 2018.

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