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Can you use the Product Launch Formula to change the world? Luis Carlos teaches parents how to be better parents. Thanks to his launches, he’s gone from struggling to make sales to helping hundreds of families. Check out his story to see how he followed his passion to success…

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43 Replies to “Product Launch Formula Meets Man with a Mission”

    • Phenomenal! I love hearing these inspiring stories of people making such a difference in other people’s lives and seeing this product launch strategy work!

    • Oh wow! Good on you for taking the risk. You’re helping so many people. I wish you all the best.

  1. WOW! keep on rocking Luis and Jeff you’re D man. love your videos and how you’re impacting entrepreneurs so they can positively impact the world.


  2. Congratulations, you most certainly are making a difference in the world. I am proud for you.

  3. Congratulations Luis and Gabby!! So happy for your success and I wish for you tons more profitable impact. God bless your business. I would love to share your program. Please tell me how to find it?

  4. Allen D'Angelo


    I identified so much with Luis’ initial struggle because I had no idea if I could get my first launch to work for my course the way Jeff and other people had for theirs. For me, because of self-doubt some steps felt uncomfortable at times, many were easier than I thought. Watching the results Luis and Gaby got reminded me of the wave of joy and excitement that flooded me on that day when my PL results and orders started pouring. Luis’ and Gaby’s program based on this important subject is so needed for families. It must feel so incredibly rewarding to know thousands of moms and dads and children will experience renewal like this. What a gift to the world.

  5. This video of Luis and Gabbi(sp) experience using PLF resonates very well with me. I love it when those with a passion get struck by seeming serendipity and their lives are forever changes. Who doesn’t like to see that? Yet what I REALLY love to see, is how when someone couples their passion and skill set with something like what Jeff has created take their game to a whole new level, knocking the ball way out of the park and beyond their own expectations, perhaps beyond their wildest dreams for what success would look like. Thanks Jeff, for posting this. Luis and Gabbi’s experience with PLF is amazingly inspiring!!!

  6. Inspiring video Luis and Gaby.
    “Nothing be me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” Jack Kerouac
    Thank you for letting us know what is possible!!

  7. Thank you for sharing your story! I have just made a personal commitment to leave my CPA firm to become an author. But something that is really worrying me now is that my first book launch is not going as I had planned. Still, there is something inside that prompts me to keep going on with this passion. Your story on how you started your yarn business ignites something that tells me to keep going and not be afraid of the next step. Thank you!

  8. Congrats Luis and Jeff… You are truly great. Sigue Luis con tu mision y ojala pueda llegar a mi lanzamiento prontamente
    Con igual o mejor resultado.

    John Crissien Bogota Colombia

  9. How awesome that this couple is making powerful, positive changes in the lives of thousands of people. God Bless you, Luis and Gabby in your path to changing this world!!

  10. Always good to hear these encouraging stories of humble beginnings and growth. Great inspiration for many of us who struggle to find our way.

  11. This has been inspiring for me in many different ways! Parenting is also my niche and I’m targeting the Brazil market as I’m Brazilian myself. I had the chance to go to PLF Live and my mission was made so clear during the 3 days I spent there. But lately I have started to questioned if any of it was even possible. I’m so glad I watched this video.

  12. Congrats to Luis and Gabby! It is awesome to see how PLF and Jeff’s guidance have truly transformed your lives, and in the process helped so many other parents in Mexico. Thanks for the inspiration!

  13. Thank you Jeff for sharing my story – our story! I’m honored to speak on behalf of so many lives you have helped change, entrepreneurs, business owners, and the millions of people we are now able to serve… thanks to you.

    • Congratulations, Luis and Gabby! You are making a tremendous difference in the lives of so many people, for generations to come! Now, have you thought about a launch in the US? So very many American parents need what you have. I know it can be frightening to think of a multi-national corportion, but the truth is, the whole world needs what you have! Perhaps you could be a trainer-of-trainers and impact families in many countries. God Bless you and your family!

  14. Luis, I love the honesty and heart with which you tell your story. You have a beautiful family and I am so happy for you that you are able to increase your impact in the world with Jeff’s PLF. Thank you Jeff for having created PLF. You are truly changing the world. Thanks for this inspiring story. Going to work on my next launch… 🙂

  15. Thank you! I work with teachers and parents to help them overcome their own mathematics phobias so they can help their students and children. I’m so excited to hear about your success in impacting children by working with the important adults in their lives.

  16. Marge Brown


    Congratulations to Luis and Gabby! Your story is very inspiring. You’re doing such important work. May you have continued success as you positively impact so many lives!

  17. I love Luis and Gabby’s story. Very inspiring and heartwarming!! I’m so happy for them and their success.

  18. Andrea Lewis


    What a wonderful achievement! It sounds like your program is doing great things. All the best for your continued success.

  19. Luis y Gabby,
    Amazing for the two of you, and Jeff also. Amazing to see how the things you are doing ripple out into the world. Wonderful to think about how many kids will have a better life because of your work. Thanks!!!
    Now, your work has also inspired me. Your story resonated deeply with me! Struggling and need to launch. Thank you for sharing and encouraging others.



    Congratulations Gabby and Luis! Thanks for making your teachings available to so many parents. What a great way to “pay it forward”

  21. Way to go Luis and Gabby! Love to hear folks with an honorable mission succeed! Try and try again and you got it! Jeff’s stuff is pretty awesome. I’m still working through it but we are doing quite well also.

  22. David Denney


    Luis and Gabby. Rest easy tonight knowing you have made a difference in the world. Go into tomorrow with a fire in your heart to make a difference for (one) more.Thank you David

  23. Sooo awesome! I feel so inspired to go forward and share my wisdom to help families as well. Thank you Luis for your huge heart and brave work !

  24. Thank you Gabi and Luis! You have inspired me to help the Latin community as well and I have an event that will occur in 4 weeks and have no one yet. You have giving me hope to produce a village event for the youth in our community. Wish me luck! Mucho Suerte!

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