“Will it work for me?”
“Can you really make money online?”
“Am I too late?”
I hear these questions practically every day.
And the first thing I think of is all the entrepreneurs I’ve done case studies with who’ve launched dream businesses in all kinds of crazy niches or found success in “crowded” markets.
Their inspiring stories have something in common, and it’s all about the marketing…
I’m in the middle of open cart and have followed the instructions as well as thought I was able and so far have three orders! So at the moment, I’m not convinced this is workable for me!
Jeff Walker
@Linda: I think in my first launch I made four sales. The lesson I took from that was that I could create value that people would pay me for. And the other thought was that I could repeat the process… and I might even get better at it. Those conclusions have led directly to tens of millions of dollars of sales over the years. Those three sales will probably become six to ten sales by the end of your Open Cart. So you’re doing better than I did… maybe you should draw a different conclusion.
So without any more data from you, I’m not sure where you are in your journey. If you have a significant established business, then I could see how three sales at this point would be disappointing. But if you’re just getting started, then your results so far sound encouraging.
Tanja Papoulidis
Hey Jeff,
may I ask if your program, strategies and book also work for a service based business, meaning not online? I want to start facilitating/hosting courses in personal and spiritual development.
Looking forward to hear from you.