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I’ve been playing tennis my whole life. I’ve won my share of games, and I’d say I know my way around a court pretty well by now. 

So why did I recently decide to book a very basic tennis lesson?

And what did I realize from it that’s highly relevant for every online business owner?

Whether you’re running a six-or-seven figure business or just starting out, success always comes back to this…

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13 Replies to “Even the Pros Should Go Back to Basics…”

  1. Hi Jeff !
    Thank You for the reminder. I read your book Launch and find it powerful. I am at a stage where I have to grow my email list.

    • Great reminder that the fundamentals matter and make a world of difference! I have been a watercolorist for the last 20+ years and have been taking classes from a professional who is at least 10 years ahead of me. I can’t tell you how big of a difference it has made for me.

  2. Charles Moore


    Jeff – I wince inside whenever I hear you say this because I know it’s simply a turn of phrase and you can’t mean it literally. So today you were sharing with us the results of a tennis lesson from a coach even though you had been playing the game nearly all your life so I see myself somewhat like a bystander standing at the edge of the court making a comment on a fundamental for which there may be a missing context; something “out of the blue” . However being a budding author and narrator I can identify with what it takes to edit content for its most potent meaning.

    When you refer to your teaching effort in a prelaunch class setting as “teaching your heart out” its truly not what you mean because if it were actually true we would have no teacher left to teach the class! We are supposed to interpret that phrase to mean you will give it your best preparation, content and delivery and the Eben Pagan “free content” concept will be validated once again with worthy results.

    So I’m hoping to hear a future phrase that still conveys the message to us that “you’re all in” to giving it your best without sacrificing your precious heart for the effort required!


    Charles Moore

    • Gary V Carter


      As a writer, you do understand the concept of “figures of speech” do you not?

  3. I love you are going back to basics and sharing this message with us.

    Looking forward to your Launch Masterclass – I have been trying for soooo long to make this happen and been hung up on the tech side of it. In the meantime I’ve written a book and have 3 more in the works and creating products like crazy including a line of clothing with original designs – Next Generation Bebe, Note Cards called Good Mail ++
    This is the time it will finally come together. I feel it with every ounce of my being . . .

  4. Kerryn Joseph Wayow


    I love hearing this message, regardless of how you want to say it, and despite some other interesting comments, So “Teach your heart out!”. I used to take martial arts, a long while ago, and the reality is that advanced moves and forms were just refined developments on the fundamentals. Everything can depend on a simple block, kick or punch. So, thanks for the reminder! As a beginner, I need to hear all the fundamentals I can get!

  5. Linda Illsley


    It is so good to hear this again…feeling a little discouraged today, so you sharing about needing to go back to basics even when you are at the top is uplifting. Thank you Jeff

  6. Jeff, Love watching your Videos!!

    The timing of this is amazing. I’ve been working on this system since before the internet. By going back to the fundaments of Music Theory and the Guitar, I put together a process to revisit the basics and rebuild your foundation. It has made playing and writing music incredibly better. After decades of experiences to go back and fill in the missing pieces I never got to when I started just plain connects dots.. This is crazy! I even have a 7 Day challenge coming out on an Apple educational app.
    Then what? This sounds like a good place to find out!

    Lee Demers
    Electric Ensemble LLC

  7. Rafael Alba


    thats exactly what im searching for
    learning from a person how mastered this fundamentals.
    thanks for sharing this video jeff.

    king regards from switzerland

  8. Peggy Riordan


    I’m glad you did this video on the fundamentals as they are so important. I took the course last year and I am going to take the course again this year. For me, hearing things over and over gives me confidence and hope that I can make it happen for me. What I had planned for last year fell through due to legal issues, so I have had to change it up and come up with a new idea, which I did. Now, I want to go back and re-watch the course to get inspired again. Thanks so much!

  9. Terry Roach


    Fabulous reminder on getting “back to Basics” That has been one of my key phrases in my hands on business. I needed your tennis lesson video to help with the struggles I am having with going forward in LC. Great video clip! Thank you! Can;t wait for the masterclass as every time you talk, I learn something. I have passed your info onto budding online business owners.

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