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The Magic of an Online Business

Here's what's absolutely amazing about running an online business: you can have a thought, and then, with the tools available to us, you can create a marketing campaign for a digital product. This digital marketing campaign could lead people into an offer where you can sell as many as you want without any increase in your costs. This may oversimplify everything, but the truth is, you get paid for taking the thoughts from your head, turning them into a marketing campaign, and then launching that campaign to make an offer for a product that genuinely helps people.

The Never-ending Journey of Online Business

When I began, I was teaching people about the stock market. That was my niche for the first eight years of my online business, in the late nineties. However, after eight years, I realized I was more passionate about helping people with their online businesses and online marketing. So, I shifted gears, and now, I've built a successful business doing just that.

Marketing is all about presenting your offer in a compelling way that invites people to step forward and transform their lives. This transformation could be in any area—dog training, meditation, or even learning how to paint in watercolors. My students have successfully done it in every niche, market, language, and country you can imagine, and it's such an incredible journey.

The experience of making my first sale was a pivotal moment for me. Until that first order showed up, the concept of getting paid for something I created was mind-boggling. That first sale changed everything. It made me realize that people would pay me for the value I could create in their lives. It was a significant leap from being an employee, showing up at a job, and getting a paycheck, to understanding that I could create value in the world and get paid for it.

Fast forward to today, and I've made around a hundred million dollars in sales of my products. It seems ridiculous, especially considering that until that very first sale, the idea of me getting paid to create anything was just a foreign concept.

I'm immensely thankful for what online business has done for me and my students. It's truly wonderful! And if marketing seems daunting, remember that it's just about being able to create and communicate value such that people are willing to step up and enroll in your program.

Rolling Out a New Campaign

In the spirit of constantly creating and innovating, I've just put together a new campaign—a free training that we're about to roll out. You can access this by going to my site,, and entering your email address.

So, wherever you're reading this, feel free to share it, like it, and let's go get 'em this week!

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