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How to Turn Your Inner Critic into Your Biggest Cheerleader

I want you to meet Dr. Julie Helmrich… or as I sometimes call her, “The Jeff Whisperer”. Entrepreneurs often have a negative story or voice holding us back – an…

The Benefits of Bootstrapping

Sometimes, even when you’re successful as an entrepreneur, it can still feel like you don’t have a legit, “grown up” business.  You know you have a great product or service……

My Unexpected Journey with Venture Capitalists

I'd like to share with you a unique experience I had - a meeting with a group of venture capitalists during a retreat. As it turns out, this retreat was…

How to Escape the 9-5 and Create a Passion-Filled Business (With Amy Porterfield)

I first met Amy Porterfield fourteen years ago, when she was "a fly on the wall" at the marketing meeting that changed her life (as well as many others!). Tony…

How to Turn Your Inner Critic into Your BFF

I want you to meet Dr. Julie Helmrich… or as I think of her, “The Jeff Whisperer”. Entrepreneurs often have a negative story or voice holding us back – an…

A Warning to Perfectionists

One absolute rule when it comes to learning a new skill:  You have to get really good… at being really bad. This is what learning is all about. And if…