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Is the “Credentials” Myth Stopping You from Becoming a Successful Coach?

When it comes to coaching, many people get stuck believing they need a list of fancy qualifications before they can start. But here’s a surprising fact: in 21 years of…

Forget the Copycats: This is Still Your Proven Launch Formula

I’m sitting here reflecting on something incredible – 19 years of Product Launch Formula®. That’s right. We’re officially stepping into our 20th year. PLF has been a part of so…

Why My Launch Formula Keeps Getting Better After 25 Years

When you do something for 25 years, you pick up a few things along the way. That’s exactly what’s happened with Product Launch Formula®.It’s not only been successful for me,…

The Thing That Took Me from $35k to $100k

Here’s the link to join me PLF LIVE: - - -  Early on in my business I did one thing that changed everything for me.  It was January 2000,…

Forget Perfect – Here’s How To Actually Win In Business

No matter if you’re a beginner or an experienced entrepreneur, one thing holds people back more than anything else – perfectionism.  I’ve coached thousands, and I see it time and…

The Truth About Product Sales

Should you rename your product to keep it fresh in the marketplace? This question came up in one of my Masterminds. Someone mentioned that a marketing expert suggested renaming products…