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Addicted to Your Success

A famous business author recently asked me an interesting question… how have I gotten to be so well known in the online business world when it’s such a crowded marketplace?…

Do-Over? (Time Machine Part 4)

Great question someone asked me this week - if I had to start over from scratch, TODAY, do I think I could achieve the same success? Given all the massive…

The Old 2-step (Time Travel Part 3)

The third episode in my “Time Travel” series - these are the things I learned when I first started out in online business (way back in 1996). This ones all…

a lottery ticket or a business?

I’m thinking about time travel again… and some of the key lessons I’d bring back in my time machine from when I first got started online. One thing is the…

When the World Stays Home

What happens when the world stays home? Well for one, grocery stores are doing pretty well. Which makes sense - the restaurants are closed, and people still need to eat.…

Finding the Silver Lining

I think we’re starting to get used to our “new normal”... or at least it feels that way to me. And as things start to settle down, I’m starting to…