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Lessons Learned from a Billion Dollar Company

Last week I got the chance to sit down with some folks from a company in the online publishing world who are doing a BILLION dollars in annual sales. This…

Culture, Values, and What Your Customers Think of You

I used to think that worrying about the “core values” in your business was just for big fancy corporations. Well… I was completely wrong. This video is about why your…

The More You Make…

Some people (and by some people I mean “me”) can start to feel a bit weird or even guilty when they start to make a lot of money. Then a…

Your “New Normal”

Creating a “New Normal” for yourself...

What Really Matters… And What Doesn’t

Lots of time when people start a new business, they spend a lot of time doing things they shouldn’t be doing. They worry about things they shouldn’t be worrying about.…

Celebrating Your Clients’ Success

Using Case Studies and testimonials in your marketing is really powerful - but there’s another great reason to track your clients' success: it’s an amazing way to stay on top…