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Once You Realize This, Everything Changes

Every once in a while, it hits me… As an entrepreneur, we get paid for our thoughts. It’s pretty wild when you think about it. We get paid to dream…

The Common Trait Of All Successful Entrepreneurs

I’ve met thousands of entrepreneurs over the years… and personally, there is one attribute that stands out to me, and that’s a growth mindset. This is the belief that “no…

Marketing and Stamina – The Key To Winning the Game?

Nobody wins every time… and if you’re going to succeed… it’s not going to happen by magic. You’re going to need to work. And there will be setbacks… Launches won’t…

4 Traits of Million-Dollar Entrepreneurs

“What traits do your most successful students – the ones doing seven-figure launches – have in common?” That’s a great question from one of my PLF Owners. And it gives…

What’s Killing Your Sales… and How To Fix It

No matter what you’re selling, your customers need to believe three things before they’ll buy from you… They have to believe in you, your offer, and themselves. And while those…

The Truth About Copying Successful Entrepreneurs

Copying what other successful entrepreneurs are doing might seem like the fast track to success. But tread carefully… You might think you’re “standing on the shoulders of giants”... but you…