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Entrepreneurship = Security (Here’s Why)

What a ride this decade has been already.  A pandemic, a war, surging inflation, bank failures… there’s a lot of turmoil in the world, and it just seems to keep…

Two Questions I Ask Before Every Launch

Marketing used to be a lot more straightforward. Just a few years ago, you could get your customers’ attention and bring them into your world by offering them something for…

How to Escape the 9-5 and Create a Passion-Filled Business (With Amy Porterfield)

I first met Amy Porterfield fourteen years ago, when she was "a fly on the wall" at the marketing meeting that changed her life (as well as many others!). Tony…

Finding Your Footing: Overcoming Imposter Syndrome – an interview with Amy Porterfield and Jeff Walker

You've been there, staring at your screen, your mind racing with thoughts like, "Who am I to do this?" or "Why would anyone listen to me?" It's a familiar foe…

WARNING: This Mindset Shift Could Seriously Increase Your Optins

No matter what you’re selling, there are three things every customer needs to believe before they’ll buy anything… They have to believe in you, your offer, and themselves. The first…

What Entrepreneurs are REALLY Paid for

When I first started out, the idea that someone else would pay me for my ideas was mind-boggling.  But 26 years later, my students have racked up more than $1…