Why You Need to Get Good… at Being Really Bad
If you’re going to succeed in anything, you have to get really good… at being really bad. In business, learning is the price of admission. You can’t avoid it, but…
A Simple 2-Step Process to Sell High-Ticket Offers
I shot this video almost 10 years ago, and it’s never been more true. If you want to fill a small, high-ticket offer – whether it’s a workshop, seminar, or…
The Four “Make Or Break” Elements of Successful Launches
Why do some launches, webinars, or campaigns succeed… while others fail? After 30 years of launching, I’ve boiled it down to four “make or break” elements. And it doesn’t matter…
Lights, Camera, Impact! How Elliott Connie Served His Way to a Million-Dollar Business and His Own Network TV Show
“Unbelievably surreal.” That’s how Elliott Connie describes his business journey. And it’s easy to see why… His goal starting out was to open a psychotherapy practice so he could help…
Behind The Scenes: Designing My New Launch Campaign
I’ve been up since 5am planning out a new offer. So this is a perfect opportunity to take you behind the scenes and show you how I put together my…