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My Biggest Mistake In My Business (So Far)

This is the single biggest mistake I made in my business... it's hard to tell just how much it cost me, but I think it was several years of growth…

FAIL: How To Create A Product That Won’t Sell

This video is all about one of the biggest mistakes that I see online entrepreneurs make, a mistake that's responsible for more epic fails than anything else... And please…

The 16 Rules of Internet Success

Today is a big anniversary for me - 16 years ago today, on August 30th, 1996, I started my first Internet business. Yes... I actually started all the way back…

Above Lava (on a raft in the Grand Canyon)…

So I just got back from a big adventure... I just spent 10 days rowing my raft down the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. (And yes, it was my…

A Bittersweet Milestone

This morning I made breakfast for my daughter before she went off to school. It wasn't anything fancy... but it was a nice chance to interact with her for 15…

The Durango Double

Last Sunday I pulled off what I call the "Durango Double"... I went skiing in the morning, and then in the afternoon I drove down from the mountain, traded my…