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Want Me to Promote Your Product?

Someone just asked me if I would promote their product as an affiliate. Here’s my message to him (and anyone else looking for new affiliate partners), plus a few things…

Where The Money’s Hidden

What if it was 15x easier to make the sale? What if you could increase the price you’re selling at by 500%? Here’s how...

Starting in the Swimming Pool (or Facing Your Fears Pt. 1)

A lot of folks talk about fear when they’re starting something new… and it makes sense when you think about it. Fear used to be something that kept us out…

Are You in the Right Market?

Choosing the right market can literally be the difference between having a business that works or a business that fails. I got a chance to catch up with Ryan Levesque…

20 Years in One Weekend

A couple years ago I had my 20th year in business (and I’m still a little shocked at that number). To celebrate, I did a 30-day video challenge I called…

Will People Actually Buy This?

Can you really have a successful online business if you’re NOT teaching people to make money? It’s totally possible. Here’s how...