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Day 12: How Many Emails Should You Send?

Lots of people wonder about how many emails you should send to your list. How many is too many? How many to make the sale? What's the right number? Here…

Why These Are The Glory Days Of Online Marketing

After nearly 20 years of online business, I'm officially declaring that these are the glory days of online marketing... here's why: Please leave a comment and let me know what…

How to Quadruple the Value of Your Leads

Want to QUADRUPLE (or more) the value of each lead you get? That's what this video is all about. (I shot this with my good friend Dean Jackson after we…

How to Make Your Competitors Irrelevant

Here's one simple thing you can do to completely stand out from your competitors... (I learned this when I had one of those "light bulb" moments in the back row…

Email vs. Social Media (Not An Epic Rap Battle)

Sometimes when you're in a big launch, you get to see where the marketing power really lies. This time we're talking about email vs. Facebook advertising... The product I mentioned…

More Than Just A Big Idea…

There’s a launch coming up that I’m super excited about… and it’s not even mine!  :-)  The “big idea” behind this launch goes way beyond just a marketing hook -…