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Part 2: Lessons Learned From Our First Million Views

A few weeks ago we published our "lessons learned" from our first million views on our YouTube - but we couldn't fit everything in. So by popular demand, here's part…

4 Things to Do When Starting Over

Just got this question - what would I do if I lost my business and had to start over from scratch? If I had no list, no product, no contacts,…

Our First Million YouTube Views (Lessons Learned)

Just about three years ago, I loaded up a selfie video to YouTube... and that was the real start of this channel. I shot the video in a moment of…

Why You Shouldn’t Go It Alone

When I started my online business, I got a piece of advice from one of my mentors... and he was dead wrong. This one's all about building your team... and…

The Simple Secrets Behind My Biggest Launch

It seems like every day I’m bombarded with the latest tricks and tips to revolutionize online marketing. But the reality is that, in the end, your business lives and dies…

Does Marketing Matter?

So as you might have seen, I recently wrapped up my big annual launch for Product Launch Formula. It was absolutely epic in every sense — we had almost a…