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Coaching at 115 Miles Per Hour

One of the quickest ways to get started in business (or grow your current business) is by offering coaching. But a lot of folks hesitate to add this service to…

Backstage with the Rolling Stones (and Lessons Learned!)

I've been a huge fan of the Rolling Stones for most of my life... so when I got an invite for a private backstage tour (plus VIP status), I couldn't…

How To Be An Overnight Success

You’ve heard about the classic “overnight success”... it makes for a great story, and this is a story of $10 million in success. But we all know there really is…

The Crazy Plan to Pay For My Kids Education

My daughter just graduated from college ... so I was thinking about this crazy plan I had 19 years ago to pay for her college education. The funny thing is,…

How “Pro” Does Your Video Need To Be?

Just how "pro" does your video need to be? Is it better to just get your video out there? How much does the technical quality of your video matter? Please…

A Common Marketing Mistake (That I Was Making)

Here's one of the most common marketing mistakes that we all make - and guess what... it just took one short conversation to realize I was making it. So the…