Is It Too Late To Start My Business?
If you’ve ever seen another business owner in your niche who seems to be doing super well, and you’ve thought to yourself, "They’ve got this market cornered. Maybe I shouldn’t…

How I Finally Finished My Book
I'm not going to lie... finishing my book was an epic struggle. Here's the simple technique that allowed me to finally finish it... Here's some of the resources I mentioned:…

How To Make Your Own Good Luck
What does luck have to do with success? There's no denying it... it's great to have good luck in your business. But the most successful people engineer their good luck.…

If You Want The RIGHT Customers, Ask This Question
When you're creating your business (or as you're creating it), you need to make sure you're attracting the RIGHT people to work with... it's critical. Here's a simple 9 word…

Why New Years Resolutions Suck (and What To Do About It)
I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions... and if they haven't worked for you in the past, then they're not going to work this year. Here's something that…