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Creating a Product That Lasts

How does an information product last on the market for almost 15 years? It’s hard to boil it down to one thing - but for me, it’s been all about…

Designing an Incredible Life (Part 7)

I’m a big believer in baby steps... I even tell my team that it’s all about progress over perfection. That’s how you keep moving forward and build momentum in your…

Designing an Incredible Life (Part 6)

Here’s “Part 6” of my series on creating an awesomely intentional life, and this one’s all about the first tool in my arsenal… which is my journal. I’m on journal…

Designing an Incredible Life (Part 5)

This one is all about how to start the day… and the cornerstone of a successful life. I don’t know if I could have achieved some of the incredible stuff…

Designing an Incredible Life (Part 4)

Once you have a bigger vision for yourself, how do you actually make it happen? Here’s how I’ve been working to train my brain for success (and a few of…

Designing An Incredible Life (Part 3)

It’s one thing to design an incredible life… and it’s another thing to move from thinking to doing. For the third video in this mini-series, I want to show you…