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An Awesome “Plan B”

I usually host a few events a year for my coaching students, and I really love it. I have such a great time being with my community. So when the…

Who’s Hanging Out at the Top?

Have you ever wondered what makes an “A player”? It’s not about how hard they work (though there’s a lot of hard work involved). It’s not about luck (though there’s…

Two Problems, One Solution

When I recently asked my tribe, “what’s holding you back?” I saw a couple of common themes. Fear of failure was one. Waiting to figure out the “best” lead magnet/offer/funnel/etc.…

Two New (Old) Rules for Selling

It’s a brave new world out there. No matter what’s going on now and what happens next… a lot has changed very quickly and there’s no going back. One of…

In Times of Turmoil…

Things are getting pretty crazy out there... We’ve got the coronavirus spreading around the world, lives are being disrupted, and the financial markets are going crazy. You don’t need me…

Behind the Scenes of a Big Launch….

This is cool - right now Dean Graziosi and Tony Robbins are in prelaunch for their training, KBB.  Last year they did this launch and had over 240,000 register for…