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Turning a Hobby Into a Thriving Business

Anne LaFollette was close to retiring from her longtime corporate job… until her boss called her into his office to tell her she was being laid off. That’s when she…

A Sneak Peek at the 2023 Launch Masterclass Case Studies

For the past couple of weeks, I’ve been asking you what case studies you’d like to see in the lead-up to this year’s Launch Masterclass™. Well, the votes are in.…

We’ve Gone Case Study Crazy

Last week I asked what Case Studies you wanted to see as we gear up for my Launch Masterclass™… And the flood of requests was amazing! In this video, I’m…

The Old-School “Newspaper Ad” Approach (That Still Works!)

The key to great marketing isn’t found in the latest hack. But you’ll probably find it in a newspaper from the 1930s… You see, even though media has changed, the…

A Key Takeaway from My “AI-enabled” PLF Live™

I just spent three days last week at PLF Live™ showing folks how to use AI to make their marketing lives easier. And one big takeaway that emerged is understanding…

AI: 3 Things You Need to Know

Blogs. Google. Social. Mobile.  I remember when all of these started. They were big.  Yet they all pale in comparison to AI. And if you have an online business (or…