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Launch Masterclass 2023 Debrief (How We Crushed It)

I usually reserve these launch debriefs for my high-end masterminds, but I have a little chip on my shoulder… Some people have been saying launches are dead. Well, my team…

It’s All Been Building Up to This… (FREE Launch Masterclass)

It’s all been building up to this – August 21st – the first day of my free Launch Masterclass™. And this year, you get to choose which path you want…

Working Like Horses? Not Anymore…

Jo and Derek Clark teach people to train and ride horses.  They love their work, but running their school meant they rarely got a break.  After a car accident, they…

After An Accident, He More Than Replaced His Income

This week as excitement builds for my upcoming Launch Masterclass™, I want to share a launch case study all about finding freedom with an online business. Barry Friedman was a…

40 Cancelled Speaking Engagements Led Him to Launch

Psychotherapist Elliott Connie realized that no matter how big he grew his in-person practice, there was a cap on how many people he could help. Elliot knew he had to…

He Doubled His Income… Working Only 10 Hours a Week

If you’re a teacher, therapist, or coach working one-on-one with people, and you feel like your calendar runs your life instead of the other way around, I have just the…