Time Machines and Lessons Learned
I had a question come in this week… it was about what I’d do if I had a time machine and could travel back in time to when I first…

How Many Launches to Get to Six Figures? (It Can Be Done)
My students have done some amazing launches over the years… 6-figures, 7-figures, and even 8-figures in revenue. The thing is - it’s probably not gonna be your first launch out…

Finding the Silver Lining
I think we’re starting to get used to our “new normal”... or at least it feels that way to me. And as things start to settle down, I’m starting to…

Advice for My Doctor
They say you should ask your doctor lots of questions - but last time I saw mine, she was the one asking me for advice. She has amazing real-world, actionable…

Three Things to Get From Here to There…
Things have changed since I started my first online business in 1996, but these are the three things that I obsessed over to build my business at every stage of…