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Part 2: 4 Things to Do When Starting Over

Here's a follow up to my first video about starting over: specifically, how would I start over if I had some money to invest in my new business? And same…

4 Things to Do When Starting Over

Just got this question - what would I do if I lost my business and had to start over from scratch? If I had no list, no product, no contacts,…

From zero to $100k (with Product Launch Formula)

As you know, I love sharing my Product Launch Formula Owners' stories… and I have an especially awesome one for you today. From no list, no product, no business, and…

Backstage with the Rolling Stones (and Lessons Learned!)

I've been a huge fan of the Rolling Stones for most of my life... so when I got an invite for a private backstage tour (plus VIP status), I couldn't…

The Crazy Plan to Pay For My Kids Education

My daughter just graduated from college ... so I was thinking about this crazy plan I had 19 years ago to pay for her college education. The funny thing is,…

Do The Techniques In My Book “Launch” REALLY Work?

Here's the "trick" I used to launch my book and hit #1 on the NY Times bestseller list... I'd love to hear what you think... please leave a comment below!