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The Only Thing Worse Than Being Wrong…

Part of being an entrepreneur is making choices. Some are easy, and some… not so much. The thing is, you’re not always going to make the “right” decision. Here’s why…

Do Less, Make More (Everyone Can Do This)

It sounds kinda outrageous, this notion of doing less but making more (and having more time, freedom, and joy). But here’s the thing - there are already folks out there…

Gurus In A Gondola Getting Dinner

On the way to dinner at last Platinum Plus meeting, my son Dan busted out the camera and starting asking some tough (and funny) questions. Here’s a little peek into…

Rallying Your Tribe

If you ever wanted to leverage your following to raise money for a cause… here’s a few tips on how I was able to increase my fundraising by 10x...

Go Take a Hike

This week’s video is about a choice I recently had to make… spend a quiet Saturday catching up on a work crunch, or spend it getting lost in the wilderness…

When It’s Good to Be a Geek

Do you have a hobby or interest that you totally geek out about? Here’s why being a bit nerdy about your passions could be the path to a great business.…