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Knowing What They Really Want

Lots of online entrepreneurs want to have an online course or training program, but these things don’t just magically come to life. I didn’t just sit down one day and…

Picking Favorites (+ Some Launch Masterclass Updates)

It’s the final week before we kick off my LIVE Launch Masterclass, and I’ve got a bit of a dilemma. I just got done recording two dozen case studies, and……

Side Effects of Launching

So why should you launch? The obvious answer is to make money… I know that’s why I did it when I first started out all those years ago. And while…

“It Sounds Awesome, But…”

There’s a question I get pretty regularly, even after 22 years in business. And no matter how many times I get asked, I’m going to keep answering it. Here’s why…

Should You Do A Podcast?

Starting a podcast is a great way to publish new content, spread your message and grow your tribe. But it’s definitely not for everyone. Here’s how to figure out if…

Rallying Your Tribe

If you ever wanted to leverage your following to raise money for a cause… here’s a few tips on how I was able to increase my fundraising by 10x...