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Can YOU Be A NY Times Bestselling Author?

My new book "LAUNCH" is a #1 NY Times best seller, and this is its SECOND week on the list (it's currently at #2). So this week my video is…

“LAUNCH” is a #1 New York Times Bestseller!

We did it! My brand-new book "LAUNCH" is a #1 New York Times Bestseller...and I'm so grateful to share this honor with you! We're up there with the biggest books…

More Than Just A Big Idea…

There’s a launch coming up that I’m super excited about… and it’s not even mine!  :-)  The “big idea” behind this launch goes way beyond just a marketing hook -…

How to Completely Screw Up Your Product Creation

Here's how you can completely screw up your product creation in just a few easy steps... I would love to hear about your successes and your mistakes you've made…

Hungry For Change

How would you feel if you could get 1,000 opt-ins per hour? That's a pretty amazing number, but it's only part of the story... Can you do a Product Launch…

The Product Launch Parachute

I thought you might like a bit of a peak behind-the-curtain into a major product launch that's happening right now... As I type this Eben Pagan's launch for his "Self…