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How to Make Your Competitors Irrelevant

Here's one simple thing you can do to completely stand out from your competitors... (I learned this when I had one of those "light bulb" moments in the back row…

4 Words That Will Change Your Results Next Year

The plan is nothing, but planning is everything... and these are the four words that will start your planning session the right way (it's how I set myself up for…

Do You Need To Be An Expert?

What if you're not an expert... can you still build an online business? Are world-class experts the only people who are doing well? Do you need to be a guru?…

Your 25 Year Plan

Last week I worked on a 25 year plan for my life and my business. To say it stretched my thinking is a bit of an understatement. Here's some of…

Do The Techniques In My Book “Launch” REALLY Work?

Here's the "trick" I used to launch my book and hit #1 on the NY Times bestseller list... I'd love to hear what you think... please leave a comment below!

How To Sell More To The Prospects You Already Have

Here's some old school direct marketing wisdom: you always want to enter the conversation that's already taking place in your prospect's mind. Remember this four letter word, and you'll be…