Email vs. Social Media (Not An Epic Rap Battle)
Sometimes when you're in a big launch, you get to see where the marketing power really lies. This time we're talking about email vs. Facebook advertising... The product I mentioned…

Do The Techniques In My Book “Launch” REALLY Work?
Here's the "trick" I used to launch my book and hit #1 on the NY Times bestseller list... I'd love to hear what you think... please leave a comment below!

How To Sell More To The Prospects You Already Have
Here's some old school direct marketing wisdom: you always want to enter the conversation that's already taking place in your prospect's mind. Remember this four letter word, and you'll be…

Ugly Behind-the-Scenes
It's always a lot messier and chaotic behind the scenes - in every business. Here's a brief look into the backstage at my business... Do you compare your backstage to…

The Hidden Danger of “Traffic Dependency”
When you find a traffic source that works, it's like winning the lottery. But here's the thing: it will also set you up for a MASSIVE fail. Here's why... (and…