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Master Your Transitions to Master Everything Else

This one's about those critical transitions in your life, your business, and your marketing. You've got to get these right if you're going to have any real level of success…

Why New Years Resolutions Suck (and What To Do About It)

I'm not a big fan of New Year's resolutions... and if they haven't worked for you in the past, then they're not going to work this year. Here's something that…

The Security of Being An Entrepreneur

So right after Thanksgiving I took off on a little planning retreat - I love doing that. I just sit down and "create" my next year and beyond... in any…

The Rest of the Story Behind Those Launches

You know those tales of Product Launches that do thousands in a week, or six figures in seven days... or my story of a million dollars in a single hour?…

Product Launch Success (Weird Parallel Universe)

A quick follow up to my last video - which was an update to the "Food Stamps to Six Figures" Case Study... in this one I dig deeper into how…

Knee Surgery and Other Good News…

I'm having surgery on my knee this week... is it good news or bad news? Please leave a comment below... tell me about your "three wins" in the comment section…