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Taking the Fear Out of Selling

After an unplanned “vacation” (thanks, COVID) – I’m back! And I have a question for you: how do you feel about asking for the order? I see a lot of…

Are You Always Connected?

Hearing I’d be unreachable for a week as I head off for a wilderness river trip, a friend asked: “How do you do that?” When you have an online business,…

More Important than Talent

At one time or another, most online entrepreneurs get caught in the comparison trap. It’s easy to look at other people in your industry and think about how polished their…

Where Business Building Gains Momentum

When I arrived at my first marketing conference back in 2000, I had no idea that it would change my life. But it became clear pretty quick…  By the end…

My “ABL” Philosophy for Business Growth

You may have heard the old sales cliche “ABC – Always Be Closing”. Not being a fan of hard selling, I prefer “ABL – Always Be Launching”. If you're looking…

My #1 Go-To Marketing Tool (Still)

Social media. Paid traffic. Joint ventures and affiliate relationships. These are all valuable ways to build your online business. But there’s one marketing tool that tops them all… and never…