When you hear the phrase “secret to success”, what comes to mind? In this video, I’ll explain: One word that explains my long-term success How adjusting your mindset can make…

Build Your Ideal Tribe (Attracting and Repelling the Right People)
Building your ideal tribe is the fastest way to business (and personal) success in today's market. But attracting the right people is only part of that formula... P.S. And if…

Can YOU Be A NY Times Bestselling Author?
My new book "LAUNCH" is a #1 NY Times best seller, and this is its SECOND week on the list (it's currently at #2). So this week my video is…

“LAUNCH” is a #1 New York Times Bestseller!
We did it! My brand-new book "LAUNCH" is a #1 New York Times Bestseller...and I'm so grateful to share this honor with you! We're up there with the biggest books…

Are Your Labels Holding You Back?
How are you labeling yourself? And are those labels holding you back or pulling you forward? Here's the distinction that will make all the difference... Leave a comment below... and…