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Starting With Coaching

My first coaching student did a million dollar launch (which was completely amazing), and I probably learned more from him than he did from me. This video is about why…

How to Quadruple the Value of Your Leads

Want to QUADRUPLE (or more) the value of each lead you get? That's what this video is all about. (I shot this with my good friend Dean Jackson after we…

How The Mighty Fall From Grace

This week I've got an advanced topic - it's about how the best stay on top of their game. And it's about how the mighty often fall from grace. Because…

Coaching at 115 Miles Per Hour

One of the quickest ways to get started in business (or grow your current business) is by offering coaching. But a lot of folks hesitate to add this service to…

Guardians at the Gate of Awesomeness

When you create an awesome "Client Experience," then your product becomes its own best marketing tool. Here's how to be the "Guardian at the Gates of an Awesome Client Experience"...…

A Simple 2-Step Process to Fill High-Ticket Events

Here's the simple 2-step process that Dean Jackson uses to fill his high-end events with a single email or Facebook post (he regularly sells out his events that cost anywhere…