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Is Email Marketing Dead?

Any time I talk about using email to reach and retain customers, someone inevitably asks: But Jeff, isn’t email marketing dead? Isn’t it all about social media now? Given my…

More Than Just A Big Idea…

There’s a launch coming up that I’m super excited about… and it’s not even mine!  :-)  The “big idea” behind this launch goes way beyond just a marketing hook -…

How To Sell Without Selling Your Soul

I recently met a man who was a Commander in the Navy SEALs for 20 years. This SEAL had just published a book, and he asked me this question: "Jeff,…

Using Surveys To Read Your Clients Minds

In my last video, we talked about how to find out what your prospects and clients want to buy - and I got some great questions on in the comments…

How To Be Relaxed (and Make An Impact) On Your Videos

I'm always getting questions about our videos - what camera we use, what's our setup, what software, etc., etc. - so here's the answer to one of the more important…

Secret to Success #3: Attending Live Events

I'm about to head out to Eben Pagan's Accelerate workshop - I'm honored that Eben invited me to speak at the event. I'm excited to be at this event... getting…