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Baby Steps On Your Way To Success

I just shot a quick video for you about what I consider one of the most critical things you need to master if you plan on having any lasting success……

How To Get Rich

So this is the blog post where I tell you exactly how to get rich. Now I know with a title like "How to Get Rich", I'm gonna lose a…

Abundance – the future is better than you think

I just got the chance to interview Peter Diamandis - the Chairman and CEO of the X PRIZE Foundation and co-founder (along with Ray Kurzweil) of the Singularity University... Peter…

Gratitude Fountain of Awesomeness

Happy Thanksgiving! And once more, back to the Gratidude Fountain of Awesomeness - the elixir that fixes pretty much everything that ails you... I just love Thanksgiving... a day dedicated…

The Future Of All Humanity, Part 1

A few months ago I was sitting at a big conference table with about 20 people... most of whom I'd never met before. It was an impressive group - they…