How to Upgrade Your Mindset (6 Ways)
Have you ever taken a test to gauge your entrepreneurial potential? There’s one hugely important factor all those assessments seem to overlook: whether or not you have a growth mindset.…

The Power of Positioning
How does a stay-at-home dad – with no qualifications, no credentials, and no initials after his name – become known as an investing expert with over 80,000 subscribers? One word:…

What If You Fail?
This may be my simplest video ever… yet it’s one of my most important. It’s about failure. And if I sound serious in this video – I am. Because how…

Why Entrepreneurs Should Meditate (+ How I Do It)
What if I told you I’ve been taking a magic pill for more than twenty years… A pill that’s perfectly safe (and legal!)... that you can take to quiet your…

Is Your Vision Holding You Back?
I recently shared a simple perspective shift that helps take the fear out of asking for the sale. But even when you understand that selling is your ultimate service, there’s…