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The Hardest and Easiest Sales You’ll Ever Make

There are two critical sales every entrepreneur makes - the first sale and the next sale(s). The first sale is by far the hardest. That's because you have to overcome…

How I Built This Business (and What It Means For You)

I’m often asked how I grew my business to where I am now. But the truth is they don’t really care about me and my journey. What they really want…

A Bunch of Entrepreneurial Badasses (How Was Your Week?)

Three times a year, I get together in person with my two mastermind groups. Last week was one of those times, and it was nothing short of amazing. The entrepreneurial…

This Secret Has Kept me in Business for 30+ Years

There’s a secret I’ve followed in business for over 30 years. I believe this strategy alone has allowed me to succeed over the long-term.  When it comes to winning the…

The Old-School “Newspaper Ad” Approach (That Still Works!)

The key to great marketing isn’t found in the latest hack. But you’ll probably find it in a newspaper from the 1930s… You see, even though media has changed, the…

To Survive In Business, You Need to Master This

Years ago, you could build a successful business by showing up online and being good at what you do. But today, when the competition is heating up and customers are…