The Game-Changing Power of AI
Let's talk about AI... Everyone is talking about it and, in my opinion, it’s clear that AI is going to be a complete game-changer. In fact, I think that’s putting…

What’s Changed Since I Wrote Launch?
A lot of wild and crazy things have happened since the latest edition of my bestselling book Launch hit the shelves in 2021. Someone recently asked me what’s changed in…

The Hardest and Easiest Sales You’ll Ever Make
There are two critical sales every entrepreneur makes - the first sale and the next sale(s). The first sale is by far the hardest. That's because you have to overcome…

How I Built This Business (and What It Means For You)
I’m often asked how I grew my business to where I am now. But the truth is they don’t really care about me and my journey. What they really want…

A Bunch of Entrepreneurial Badasses (How Was Your Week?)
Three times a year, I get together in person with my two mastermind groups. Last week was one of those times, and it was nothing short of amazing. The entrepreneurial…