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When The Student Becomes The Master

I love sharing success stories, and this is a really special one for me... This interview is with Erico Rocha - who went from quitting his job to doing multi-million…

Does Marketing Matter?

So as you might have seen, I recently wrapped up my big annual launch for Product Launch Formula. It was absolutely epic in every sense — we had almost a…

Take a Sneak Peak Behind Our Curtain

This one's a little different... it's a bit of a peek behind-the-curtain (almost a preview) as I get ready to head into one of my big launches. Check it out:…

From zero to $100k (with Product Launch Formula)

As you know, I love sharing my Product Launch Formula Owners' stories… and I have an especially awesome one for you today. From no list, no product, no business, and…

Innovation vs. Marketing Suicide

Innovation vs. Marketing Suicide People often assume that the greatest entrepreneurs are those who invent and bring to market something entirely new that’s never existed before. So a lot of…

How To Be An Overnight Success

You’ve heard about the classic “overnight success”... it makes for a great story, and this is a story of $10 million in success. But we all know there really is…