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Day 25: Selling $1 Million in 53 Minutes

This one's about the re-launch of Product Launch Formula... and making $1 million in sales in just 53 minutes (one of the most epic launches in online marketing history)...

Day 23: The Live Workshop Gamechanger

When I started leading live workshops, it was a complete gamechanger for my business - it took my profits, impact, and positioning to a completely new level. Here's how I…

2,500 Raving Fans in Brazil (Craziness!)

This week’s video comes to you from the stage of "PLF Live Brazil" - in front of 2,500 raving fans (which was crazy - if only my 34-year-old self could…

Knowing The Rules (and Breaking Them)

This is probably the most chaotic video I've published - trains whistling, buses driving through, and a party gettin' started... it gets a bit crazy. But the real gem in…

Why It’s Generally A Bad Idea to Wait…

If you’ve been slowly working on a knowledge product for years, but still haven’t launched a thing, it’s time to stop. Stop perfecting. Stop procrastinating. And most of all, stop…

How To Turn Your Expertise Into An Online Product

Got this question from one of my viewers — how can someone take all of their expert knowledge and design an online program out of it? Creating an online product…