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The Simple Secrets Behind My Biggest Launch

It seems like every day I’m bombarded with the latest tricks and tips to revolutionize online marketing. But the reality is that, in the end, your business lives and dies…

Haters Gonna Hate (Protecting Your Mental Game)

If you're going to make a real impact and achieve big things, at some point you're probably going to find yourself the target of people who would rather tear someone…

Are All Your Projects 99% Done?

Do you struggle to finish? Are all your projects 99% done? Do you have products, or web sites, or blog posts that are ALMOST done? Trust me, you're not alone.…

Tennis With Richard Branson (Lessons Learned)

Last week I got a chance to play tennis with Richard Branson on Necker Island (his private island in the British Virgin Islands). Here are some of my lessons learned.…

Are Your Labels Holding You Back?

How are you labeling yourself? And are those labels holding you back or pulling you forward? Here's the distinction that will make all the difference... Leave a comment below... and…

Product Launch Behind-the-Scenes

What is it REALLY like behind-the-scenes of a big product launch? I took a few minutes away from my book launch to shoot this video for you. (And yes, the…