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Are Your Labels Holding You Back?

How are you labeling yourself? And are those labels holding you back or pulling you forward? Here's the distinction that will make all the difference... Leave a comment below... and…

Product Launch Behind-the-Scenes

What is it REALLY like behind-the-scenes of a big product launch? I took a few minutes away from my book launch to shoot this video for you. (And yes, the…

Is Email Marketing Dead?

Any time I talk about using email to reach and retain customers, someone inevitably asks: But Jeff, isn’t email marketing dead? Isn’t it all about social media now? Given my…

How To Sell Without Selling Your Soul

I recently met a man who was a Commander in the Navy SEALs for 20 years. This SEAL had just published a book, and he asked me this question: "Jeff,…

How To Crack the Time Code In Your Business

Your business success comes down to one thing - how and where you focus your precious time. Do you even know where you're spending your time in your business? And…

Master Your Transitions to Master Everything Else

This one's about those critical transitions in your life, your business, and your marketing. You've got to get these right if you're going to have any real level of success…