Knee Surgery and Other Good News…
I'm having surgery on my knee this week... is it good news or bad news? Please leave a comment below... tell me about your "three wins" in the comment section…
Chasing Perfection Instead of Taking Action?
Are you chasing perfection instead of taking action? And please leave a comment down below... are you a perfectionist? How do you move into action?
How To Stay Centered and Productive
How do I stay centered and productive? The answer might surprise you… Make sure to go over and like my Facebook Page. It's one of the best ways to interact…
Memorial Day thoughts…
Some thoughts on Memorial Day and all the heroes that have built and preserved our freedoms and our way of life... P.S. If you haven't been over to my…
The Deadly “Internet Lifestyle” Trap
Have you heard about the "Internet Lifestyle"... how you can live where you want and work when you want? The only problem is that, for most people, the Internet Lifestyle…