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Why Great Marketing Matters

We just wrapped up our big once-a-year launch - and here’s what I learned (yet again) from a huge amount of market feedback - both from raving fans and from…

Product Launch Formula Meets Man with a Mission

Can you use the Product Launch Formula to change the world? Luis Carlos teaches parents how to be better parents. Thanks to his launches, he’s gone from struggling to make…

Announcing the 2017 PLF Video Contest Winners!

I just have to say... I am so humbled by all the amazing entries in our PLF video contest. It was really hard to choose a winner, and I wound…

How to Launch Without a List

Do you need a list to do a launch? It’s a great question, and the reality is that you CAN launch without a list... and here’s how: Click Here…

Product Launch Workshop

A little behind-the-scenes on my upcoming free Product Launch Workshop... I’ve been doing this every year since 2005, and I’ve had almost a million people go through it! Click Here…

Using Deadlines to Get Stuff Done (and Inspire Action)

Deadlines are an amazing tool - here's how to use them to get stuff done (and to get more sales). And don't miss the little deadline that I've built into…