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Fixing Things That Aren’t Broken

If you’ve got something that’s working for you, why would you risk messing it up by “fixing” something that’s not broken? I usually don’t make that mistake… but last year…

Back to the drawing board…

It’s the first week of August, which means it’s officially Launch Season for me and my team… we’re gearing up to teach our big annual Launch Masterclass. Last year’s Masterclass…

if you want to raise your rates… scream

One of my Product Launch Formula owners recently emailed to tell me he’d had his first six-figure launch. His niche? Teaching people to scream. Which sounds like kind of a…

Marketing as a Spectator Sport?

So this week, I did a couple webinars with my good friend Don Crowther. We had a great time, and people seemed to like what we shared - they were…

Getting Their Attention (Here’s How)

These days, you’re up against some pretty tough competition for people’s attention. Emails, Insta, pings, schedules… and the list only goes on from there. So how do you get (and…

Want Me to Promote Your Product?

Someone just asked me if I would promote their product as an affiliate. Here’s my message to him (and anyone else looking for new affiliate partners), plus a few things…