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Your 25 Year Plan

Last week I worked on a 25 year plan for my life and my business. To say it stretched my thinking is a bit of an understatement. Here's some of…

The Discipline of Gratitude

This one habit - the Discipline of Gratitude - will make you a happier person... and it will make an incredible difference in what you achieve in your life and…

The Online Entrepreneurs “OCD Loop” (And 3 Tips For Increasing Your Productivity)

Does this loop look familiar? Check email. Check stats. Check social. Then start over by checking email AGAIN. The online entrepreneur's "OCD Loop" is a soul-sucking productivity killer... and this…

Is This “Disease “Holding You Back From Success?

Once you know what to look for, it's easy to see this "disease" that holds people back in their business and their lives... but it can be a lot harder…

Lessons From 3 Weeks Without Technology

What would your ideal work life look like? Mine includes the ability to be completely offline for long stretches of time. I just spent three weeks on a raft trip,…

Email vs. Social Media (Not An Epic Rap Battle)

Sometimes when you're in a big launch, you get to see where the marketing power really lies. This time we're talking about email vs. Facebook advertising... The product I mentioned…