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Day 9: The Big “Odometer” Lesson

The "odometer lesson" is from the dark ages of online business (back when I started in 1996)... but the lesson was powerful, and it's something I've never forgotten. And I…

Day 8: So Close To Success

It's amazing how one small change in your business can have a huge impact. Here's the change that grew my business by 700%... Next up... Day 9: The Big "Odometer"…

Day 7: Drinking The Abundance Juice

Suppose you got an email from your direct competitor, and he asked you for your "trade secret"... the one advantage that you had? Would you give it to him? I…

Day 6: The First Launch Ever

My clients have done hundreds of millions of dollars in launches for their online products and services... but it all goes back to this very first launch. This is how…

Day 5: Making It Up

These days it's hard to turn around without bumping into someone who tells you they're an online marketing expert. Sometimes It seems like anyone who's written a blog post is…

Day 4: The Big Wake Up Call

Talk about a serious wake up call - this was back when I was first starting out, and one morning when I checked my email I had a big surge…